Querim Beach

Querim Beach - Best Place to Travel

hi guys! this is justyna, welcome to reborn in india and welcome to goa! it's been 11 days now since i arrived in arambol beach in north goa

Querim Beach

Querim Beach, i'm trying to figure out my way to make videos for you i just met my friends from rishikesh! oh my god, i'm so so happy i met them

okay, it's broken i'm going to grab some lunch there now and then probably i will go swimming in the sea no, i changed my mind this is perfect i'm starving thank you so this is my last day in arambol tomorrow i am renting a car with my new friends

and we're headed to south goa which is supposed to be more peaceful, quiet and just like a paradise it's also a paradise here, but more like a party style postcards and i have like 20 of them there are some of them like hindu godesses and gods and some of them are just like... taj mahal, mostly taj mahal like...

this is so... uh... tacky this is jaipur, this is also nice, i like those... this one is also a little bit tacky all of them were tacku, trust me, i bought the best finally veg cutlet, chips, salad nothing healthy looks like this

finish? yes, thank you i hope they have change cuz i wanna pay with the new 2000 note if they don't have change then i will pay with so called 'small money' small money thank you. you got it? thank you very much i have change

i honestly have no idea what's this about i saw this woman somewhere before i love the way she looks the season has started in november lots of new restaurants being built if you're hungry you can get a sweet corn on the beach it's like 40 rupees (0.5 eur)

i'm back to my place

hi guys! this is justyna, welcome to reborn in india and welcome to goa! it's been 11 days now since i arrived in arambol beach in north goa

Querim Beach

Querim Beach, i'm trying to figure out my way to make videos for you i just met my friends from rishikesh! oh my god, i'm so so happy i met them

okay, it's broken i'm going to grab some lunch there now and then probably i will go swimming in the sea no, i changed my mind this is perfect i'm starving thank you so this is my last day in arambol tomorrow i am renting a car with my new friends

and we're headed to south goa which is supposed to be more peaceful, quiet and just like a paradise it's also a paradise here, but more like a party style postcards and i have like 20 of them there are some of them like hindu godesses and gods and some of them are just like... taj mahal, mostly taj mahal like...

this is so... uh... tacky this is jaipur, this is also nice, i like those... this one is also a little bit tacky all of them were tacku, trust me, i bought the best finally veg cutlet, chips, salad nothing healthy looks like this

finish? yes, thank you i hope they have change cuz i wanna pay with the new 2000 note if they don't have change then i will pay with so called 'small money' small money thank you. you got it? thank you very much i have change

i honestly have no idea what's this about i saw this woman somewhere before i love the way she looks the season has started in november lots of new restaurants being built if you're hungry you can get a sweet corn on the beach it's like 40 rupees (0.5 eur)

i'm back to my place

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