so are you a big casino freak ? do youfrequently visits casino or you plan your next trip to goa then all peopleout here in this video i will just all in my stake to explain you everythingabout top casinos in goa guys this is abhi welcome you tomr.abhi the animated traveler and let's get it startedso our casinos list needs to be start

Deltin Royale, with the best and here it is deltinroyale this is the ship based casino situated in mandovi river panjim it hasover 40,000 square foot area with three levels of unlimited entertainment and850 plus gaming positions so a lot to offer right now let's talk about theentry charges and services you will get
guys regular package starts with inr3000 and 4000 for weekdays and weekends respectively. this includes one templatechips worth of inr.2000 for weekdays and inr.3000 for weekends so you can tryyour luck to get your entry done free also there is unlimited house branddrinks and buffet dinner as well so next is the premium package which cost inr4500 and 5500 for weekdays and weekendsrespectively there is also otp chips here but you also have the access totheir premium drinks and premium lounge bar also now this one is only for thevip maybe you are i don't know but this package is the costliest in entire goa'sall casinos
it will cost you inr 8000 here you willget all 8,000 otp chips but the big advantage is you will get the access totheir third floors vip gaming zone so if you like to spend some big buckstry vip my buoy beside this there is ladies special package which cost inr 1000 lessthan all the above packages and if you have child's you can take them by payingaround 1000 indian bucks and they will take care of themimagine your kid getting into the play house of india's biggest casinos. cool. sonext comes casino from the same delton group it's a deltin jaqk now thisalso is a ship based casino but due to smaller in size it has 350 plus gamerpositions located in the same river near
to dealt in rural all the packages aresame but due to smaller in size this one have inr 1000 less than all the samepackages of that dealt in royal but it's worth the visit guysnow a good tip to save inr 1000 is if you are going in the couple take theseparate entry and you can save inr 1000 per lucky lady cool right so next comesthe famous casino pride is situated in the same mandovi river and it's alsoa ship based casino they also introduced their second ship casino pride 2recently so you can have access to both now here you won't find a lot ofvariations in the package and it's also cheaper than deltin rates are inr 1500and 2000 for weekdays and weekends
respectively you will get otp chips of500 and 1000 inr in two packages and yes there is unlimited drinks and dinner aswell also there are no extra charges for kids and live entertainment they provideso you can enjoy your evening in the tight budget at casino pride 1 & 2 nowthere is not everyone wants a large ship casinos so for all that people here iscasino strike by grand hyatt it's situated in grand hyatt resort itselfso no ships here but it has really some great ambiance for your enjoyment now weit has different packages options for you regular starts with inr 1500 forweekdays and inr 2000 for weekends but you will get100% otp chips on both this package with
unlimited house brand drinks premiumpackage costs inr 3000 again 100% otp chips but you will get access allpremium drinks so if you are vat 69 or smirnoff lover than go to premium my buoy nowhere is just a simple list of all non ship casinos which not need to beexplained in detail and also are smaller in sizefirst is chances casino located in chances resort dona paula its north goaarea entry will be around inr 1000 to 2000 depending on the which day you willvisit now second is casino palms located in la cylpso hotel north goa againsmaller in size an entry charge around inr 1000 last for the day is casinoparadise it's located in neo majestic
hotel panjim entry charges are aroundinr 1000 for all days now guys welcome back to my home here i am listing you toall the casinos we just visited pause the video capture screenshot and whenyou next visit to goa take your luck on and for taking allmoney you want here is the awesome swiss military traveler bag you need to buy nowcheck the link in the description below now my words guys if you really enjoyedthis casino tour please help me to get 50 likes and 50 subscribers also shareyour casino experiences and your knowledge in the comment box below seeyou in the coming goa series and more travel stuff bye bye

so are you a big casino freak ? do youfrequently visits casino or you plan your next trip to goa then all peopleout here in this video i will just all in my stake to explain you everythingabout top casinos in goa guys this is abhi welcome you tomr.abhi the animated traveler and let's get it startedso our casinos list needs to be start

Deltin Royale, with the best and here it is deltinroyale this is the ship based casino situated in mandovi river panjim it hasover 40,000 square foot area with three levels of unlimited entertainment and850 plus gaming positions so a lot to offer right now let's talk about theentry charges and services you will get
guys regular package starts with inr3000 and 4000 for weekdays and weekends respectively. this includes one templatechips worth of inr.2000 for weekdays and inr.3000 for weekends so you can tryyour luck to get your entry done free also there is unlimited house branddrinks and buffet dinner as well so next is the premium package which cost inr4500 and 5500 for weekdays and weekendsrespectively there is also otp chips here but you also have the access totheir premium drinks and premium lounge bar also now this one is only for thevip maybe you are i don't know but this package is the costliest in entire goa'sall casinos
it will cost you inr 8000 here you willget all 8,000 otp chips but the big advantage is you will get the access totheir third floors vip gaming zone so if you like to spend some big buckstry vip my buoy beside this there is ladies special package which cost inr 1000 lessthan all the above packages and if you have child's you can take them by payingaround 1000 indian bucks and they will take care of themimagine your kid getting into the play house of india's biggest casinos. cool. sonext comes casino from the same delton group it's a deltin jaqk now thisalso is a ship based casino but due to smaller in size it has 350 plus gamerpositions located in the same river near
to dealt in rural all the packages aresame but due to smaller in size this one have inr 1000 less than all the samepackages of that dealt in royal but it's worth the visit guysnow a good tip to save inr 1000 is if you are going in the couple take theseparate entry and you can save inr 1000 per lucky lady cool right so next comesthe famous casino pride is situated in the same mandovi river and it's alsoa ship based casino they also introduced their second ship casino pride 2recently so you can have access to both now here you won't find a lot ofvariations in the package and it's also cheaper than deltin rates are inr 1500and 2000 for weekdays and weekends
respectively you will get otp chips of500 and 1000 inr in two packages and yes there is unlimited drinks and dinner aswell also there are no extra charges for kids and live entertainment they provideso you can enjoy your evening in the tight budget at casino pride 1 & 2 nowthere is not everyone wants a large ship casinos so for all that people here iscasino strike by grand hyatt it's situated in grand hyatt resort itselfso no ships here but it has really some great ambiance for your enjoyment now weit has different packages options for you regular starts with inr 1500 forweekdays and inr 2000 for weekends but you will get100% otp chips on both this package with
unlimited house brand drinks premiumpackage costs inr 3000 again 100% otp chips but you will get access allpremium drinks so if you are vat 69 or smirnoff lover than go to premium my buoy nowhere is just a simple list of all non ship casinos which not need to beexplained in detail and also are smaller in sizefirst is chances casino located in chances resort dona paula its north goaarea entry will be around inr 1000 to 2000 depending on the which day you willvisit now second is casino palms located in la cylpso hotel north goa againsmaller in size an entry charge around inr 1000 last for the day is casinoparadise it's located in neo majestic
hotel panjim entry charges are aroundinr 1000 for all days now guys welcome back to my home here i am listing you toall the casinos we just visited pause the video capture screenshot and whenyou next visit to goa take your luck on and for taking allmoney you want here is the awesome swiss military traveler bag you need to buy nowcheck the link in the description below now my words guys if you really enjoyedthis casino tour please help me to get 50 likes and 50 subscribers also shareyour casino experiences and your knowledge in the comment box below seeyou in the coming goa series and more travel stuff bye bye