Museum of Christian Art

Museum of Christian Art - Best Place to Travel

goa the garden of the konkan region made by history the place where the east meets the west and by godâ´s desire designated the mother of all the easten christendom it was the land where the st francis xavier paths ended comming from his navarra castle to the glory of paradise on the crossroad of this land rest for four centuries the incorrupt remains of the saintâ´s body

Museum of Christian Art

Museum of Christian Art, and on december the 3rd of 1952,on the 4th centenary of his death came for the last time kiss his feet the rich and poor of the world hundreds of pilgrims of all races and beliefs,came from the east,and from all the corners of the earth crossing rivers,montains and seas,humble the ones he conquered for christ

ministers of state and the cardinal patriach of lisbon himself as delegated ad latrae of his holiness the pope more than half million of people,went on pilgrinage during the celebrations were lays ,among the ruines and the palm trees on the banks of the mandovi river the most gloriouse character from the odyssey of the portuguese history. at the time of st francis xavier arrival in goa,were already land of christian and portuguese influence:. by the action of the franciscan monks,and the secular clergy mascate and ormuz,diu, baã§aim,tanaz chaãºl.cananor shal,cranganor,cochim,colã£o,st tomã© of meliapor

colombo.malaca,ternate,amboino and the moloucas islands. goaâ´s bishopric was the bigest ever in history: it stretches from the cape of good hope,until the islads of fim do mundo (indã³nesia) at last,on may the 6th of 1542 13 months after the departur from the tagus river the ship "colã£o"passes the aguada fort and sails the smooth waters of the mandovi river along side the dark green palm trees,and stands tall front the city of goa at the bishops palace,awaits the holly missionary the reverend friar joã£o de albuquerque to whom father francisco hands the credentials of the pope

confirming him as the pontificial ambassador he did it such an humble maner,kneeling and saying that he would only assume his position when his bishop require it amazed bishop joã£o took francisco on his arms,becaming close friends for life after leaving the bishop palace,xavier went to the manueline church of st francisco de assis bowing before the altar,praising for his safe journey and the work of the great missionary began soon he was giving confession and the holly communion to the lepers from st lazarus hospital and to the sick at the royal hospital

on the hill top ,where on the 25th november 1510 afonso de albuquerque commanded the conquest of goa it was erected a small chapel,where later was created the priory of rosã¡rio,place of preach of father francisco teaching the gospel to the children and inspiring adults with his words after 10 years of mission,baptized over 80.000 converts due to his extraordinary talent was a preciouse colaborator of the rector of st paulo college that houses more than 1.000 students from many different races and regions of the east amazingly goa became a land of imponent churches and chapels,and everywhere new missionary vocations fruitified however nothing stops xavier regulated his works in goa ,departures south heading malaca

after landing in malaca.xavier choose to live in a hut near the hospital ringing his bell trough the city streets,congregated new faithtfull at our lady of monte church to listen to the holly words of our lord jesus christ xavier leaves malaca,this time sails to the molucas islands,that were called fim do mundo islands descending his crucifix to the sea he was able to stop a storm that threatened to destroy the ship christianity on the east was expanding rapidly accordingly with the was on this well that st francisco washed his feet after his journeys from goa leave and left to all the corners of the east,from ormuz to solor and mandovi to japan the kingdon of the gran kataio was the only place that st francisco xavier missed to spread the holly word

the mysterious china,resting untammed to the word of christ if more world existed,the king manuel caravels would certainly reached it and the missionaries of king joao iii and from goa to china a ship took xavier on his last trip alive the major figure of the portuguese missionary man sanxao island were he landed the st cruz ship,dreamed xavier to make it the gate for the entering of christ in china. but god mystirous ways chose the island as the gate of xavier entrance to the paradise on the 21st november xavier became feverish,and at 02.00 on the 3rd december 1552,fall in eternal sleep,at the age of 46

speeling the name of jesus... frier antã³nio santa fã© buried xavier in that isolated island laying a simple woden cross at his grave in the place where later was built an evocative church it was not aimed by god a simple grave for xavier who for the name of jesus had adandoned all his earthly wealth in 1594 begane and in 1605 was consagrated by the bishop aleixo de menezes the basilica of bom jesus where trough the centuries

is going to lay the incorrupt body of the apostle of the oriente at the main altar,the image of the saint looking at the sky on a silver tomb,and jasp mausoleum,with eight alabaster cherubins,rests since 1655 the body of st francis xavier the mausoleum was an offering of the grand-duke of tusacany fernando ii it is the richest and eleborated ever built as a tomb for a king or a saint goa 1952,when the main bell of the cathedral anouced that the second delegated of the pope sent to portuguese india,was oppening for the last time the coffin of his predecessor,entire goa rejoiced all the east,and the universal church of christ to the old city, flocked thousands of christians and hindus,of peasants .riches and poors

and the humbles of the land from the regions where the major figure of the holly 16th missionary had passed there he is for the last time before the eyes of the pilgrims present in goa the most gloriouse and the everlasting sign of glory that the west erected on the east was done 4 centuries ago by st francis xavier under the name of god and portugal glory to his name and glory to god

goa the garden of the konkan region made by history the place where the east meets the west and by godâ´s desire designated the mother of all the easten christendom it was the land where the st francis xavier paths ended comming from his navarra castle to the glory of paradise on the crossroad of this land rest for four centuries the incorrupt remains of the saintâ´s body

Museum of Christian Art

Museum of Christian Art, and on december the 3rd of 1952,on the 4th centenary of his death came for the last time kiss his feet the rich and poor of the world hundreds of pilgrims of all races and beliefs,came from the east,and from all the corners of the earth crossing rivers,montains and seas,humble the ones he conquered for christ

ministers of state and the cardinal patriach of lisbon himself as delegated ad latrae of his holiness the pope more than half million of people,went on pilgrinage during the celebrations were lays ,among the ruines and the palm trees on the banks of the mandovi river the most gloriouse character from the odyssey of the portuguese history. at the time of st francis xavier arrival in goa,were already land of christian and portuguese influence:. by the action of the franciscan monks,and the secular clergy mascate and ormuz,diu, baã§aim,tanaz chaãºl.cananor shal,cranganor,cochim,colã£o,st tomã© of meliapor

colombo.malaca,ternate,amboino and the moloucas islands. goaâ´s bishopric was the bigest ever in history: it stretches from the cape of good hope,until the islads of fim do mundo (indã³nesia) at last,on may the 6th of 1542 13 months after the departur from the tagus river the ship "colã£o"passes the aguada fort and sails the smooth waters of the mandovi river along side the dark green palm trees,and stands tall front the city of goa at the bishops palace,awaits the holly missionary the reverend friar joã£o de albuquerque to whom father francisco hands the credentials of the pope

confirming him as the pontificial ambassador he did it such an humble maner,kneeling and saying that he would only assume his position when his bishop require it amazed bishop joã£o took francisco on his arms,becaming close friends for life after leaving the bishop palace,xavier went to the manueline church of st francisco de assis bowing before the altar,praising for his safe journey and the work of the great missionary began soon he was giving confession and the holly communion to the lepers from st lazarus hospital and to the sick at the royal hospital

on the hill top ,where on the 25th november 1510 afonso de albuquerque commanded the conquest of goa it was erected a small chapel,where later was created the priory of rosã¡rio,place of preach of father francisco teaching the gospel to the children and inspiring adults with his words after 10 years of mission,baptized over 80.000 converts due to his extraordinary talent was a preciouse colaborator of the rector of st paulo college that houses more than 1.000 students from many different races and regions of the east amazingly goa became a land of imponent churches and chapels,and everywhere new missionary vocations fruitified however nothing stops xavier regulated his works in goa ,departures south heading malaca

after landing in malaca.xavier choose to live in a hut near the hospital ringing his bell trough the city streets,congregated new faithtfull at our lady of monte church to listen to the holly words of our lord jesus christ xavier leaves malaca,this time sails to the molucas islands,that were called fim do mundo islands descending his crucifix to the sea he was able to stop a storm that threatened to destroy the ship christianity on the east was expanding rapidly accordingly with the was on this well that st francisco washed his feet after his journeys from goa leave and left to all the corners of the east,from ormuz to solor and mandovi to japan the kingdon of the gran kataio was the only place that st francisco xavier missed to spread the holly word

the mysterious china,resting untammed to the word of christ if more world existed,the king manuel caravels would certainly reached it and the missionaries of king joao iii and from goa to china a ship took xavier on his last trip alive the major figure of the portuguese missionary man sanxao island were he landed the st cruz ship,dreamed xavier to make it the gate for the entering of christ in china. but god mystirous ways chose the island as the gate of xavier entrance to the paradise on the 21st november xavier became feverish,and at 02.00 on the 3rd december 1552,fall in eternal sleep,at the age of 46

speeling the name of jesus... frier antã³nio santa fã© buried xavier in that isolated island laying a simple woden cross at his grave in the place where later was built an evocative church it was not aimed by god a simple grave for xavier who for the name of jesus had adandoned all his earthly wealth in 1594 begane and in 1605 was consagrated by the bishop aleixo de menezes the basilica of bom jesus where trough the centuries

is going to lay the incorrupt body of the apostle of the oriente at the main altar,the image of the saint looking at the sky on a silver tomb,and jasp mausoleum,with eight alabaster cherubins,rests since 1655 the body of st francis xavier the mausoleum was an offering of the grand-duke of tusacany fernando ii it is the richest and eleborated ever built as a tomb for a king or a saint goa 1952,when the main bell of the cathedral anouced that the second delegated of the pope sent to portuguese india,was oppening for the last time the coffin of his predecessor,entire goa rejoiced all the east,and the universal church of christ to the old city, flocked thousands of christians and hindus,of peasants .riches and poors

and the humbles of the land from the regions where the major figure of the holly 16th missionary had passed there he is for the last time before the eyes of the pilgrims present in goa the most gloriouse and the everlasting sign of glory that the west erected on the east was done 4 centuries ago by st francis xavier under the name of god and portugal glory to his name and glory to god

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