
Ashwem - Best Place to Travel

smoking and drinkingis injurious to health. what has happened to this city? it is filled with smoke and grime. why doesn't anyone object? why should we endure this in silence?


Ashwem, we should put an endto this careless attitude. don't hesitate whenyou see someone smoking. smoking in public places is banned. noncompliance will result in penalty.

don't smoke and donot let others smoke. smoking will result in great loss. who doesn't want pleasure? but at what cost? smoking is injurious to you. to your loved ones too. kabaddi! kabaddi! kabaddi! kabbadi! kabbadi! kabbadi! out.

ashwin! ashwin! come on, ashwin! come on! he is the only one left.what can he do? he has a magic mantra. what?- watch. indu! thank you, indu. "an avalanche of snowhas come crashing.." " comfort this dry desert."

"i think of you and forget the world." "i don't know if i still i a part of you? "my little heart hasendured a lot of wounds." "am i a part of you?" "though i'm surrounded by thorns.." " are the rose in my i a part of you?" "i will wait forever justto see a small smile from you." "every word i hearsounds like your voice." "every face i see looks like you."

"even after death i willlove you in another life." "i cannot forget you or leave you." hi, ashwin!- yes, bro? didn't you go to the sunday prayer? i want to go and pray foryou and indu to get reunited.. ..but i have to wash clothes. give them to me.i will wash them for you. no, bro.- just give them to me, bro. bro, pray sincerely.- okay.

ashwin! we'll pray for you too. "can you ignore all thesweet memories we shared?" "can't you believe that weare the best couple of all times?" "even the sun raysgo back after touching us." "nothing can come betweenus or separate us." i didn't do anything.- what have you done? i didn't do anything.- get lost! please listen to me.- i hate you! i didn't do anything.please listen to me.

go away! get out of my life! get out of my life! sign here.- hmm. mom! mom, don't cry. let's go. come on, dhoni! hit a six! get clean bowled. come on. that's a six..

wonderful catch.- catch! i told you i'll win the bet. come on, give me thousand bucks.come on. i will. why did dhoni get out so soon? you owe me six thousand rupees now. i will pay you. my favorite raina is here. your son is here. ashwin, my son! welcome!

have you really changedor did you run away from jail? i'm not a criminal to changeor run away. i'm a lover. wow! what a great lover you are! i spent 400,000 rupeesto get you a seat in engineering. but you followed indu likea puppy and ruined my money. you made us run aroundpolice stations.. ..prisons and courts. please. he came home just now.let him rest. go inside.

your son looks like hecame home from a party, not jail. hmm? let's go out and talk. the number you are callingis currently switched off. please call again later. the number you are callingis currently unavailable. i'm telling the truth.we sold everything and came here. how can we sell everythingagain and go back? children are studying here.i've got used to hyderabad..

excuse me.- hmm? who do you want to meet? are you the new watchman? i've been here for a while.i'm seeing you for the first time. i came to see the young madam. young madam?there are only aunties in this house. what? indu lives here, right? as far as i know, there'sno one called indu in this area. isn't this mr. surender's house?

mr. kanth bought it a year ago. do you at least knowwhere they have moved? how will i know that?i'll get fired if my boss sees you. please go. "i've blossomed like a fresh flower." "i've become likea second skin to you." "i've turned into a painting for you." "i've written poetryabout you on my heart." "this water lily has writtena love letter for the moon."

"i'm the night thatwaits for the moon." "when you are with me,the world looks beautiful to me." "with your love beside me,i feel life flowing through me." "nothing can take awaythe promise you made to me." "my life without you is likea journey without destination." "what's the use of this breathif it can't take me to you?" "what's the use of thislife if it can't take me to you?" "but everything turnedbitter when you left me.." sprinkle this holy wateron lord hanuman's idol..

..and circumambulate him 108 times. your desire will be be it! 108! lord hanuman,please do something.. bring back indu to me. i'll circumambulate youridol every day from today. "it's like the lonely nighthas given way to a new dawn." "it's like a nightingale'ssong in a dry desert." "your coming back hasfilled my heart with new hope." "let me look at you andlock you up in my heart."

"let me come to you sothat i can erase the past." mom! i've searched forpriya everywhere possible. i've knocked everydoor you can imagine. i can't think of anybodyelse other than priya. i can't live without her, mom. i really don't knowwhere my life will take me. mom, give me coffee. ashwin! come here. hurry up. what is it, mom?- come here. sit down.

i've been observing youever since you came back. you disappear in the morningand don't return until evening. you are never at home. will he find indu if he sits at home? that's why he is touring the city. is that true? no, mom. don't tell me lies. look, the hero in this serial also..

..constantly searchesfor his lover like you. does he kill himselfwhen he doesn't find her? the climax is next week.but i'm sure.. ..that the lovers won't reunite. mom, you can't call it a lovestory if the lovers don't unite. they will definitely'll see. they won't.- they will. i know that director.he likes making tragedies. mom, lovers always reunite.

no, they don't.- yes, they do. shall we bet on it? the lovers in theserial won't reunite. i bet 1,000 rupees. same here. the lovers won't reunite. i won't bet.but my opinion is the same. if we all are on one side,who will be on the opposing side? me. you?

yes, i bet.the lovers will come together again. if you win,i will give you 10,000 rupees. what if you lose?- you tell me. if you lose, you should forget indu. one more thing. you shouldgive me the ring that indu gave you. he's lost in thought.shall we cancel the bet? yes, he can't..- no. the bet is on. i'm ready, mom. will priya and rahul reunite?next week.. why is he so confident?

is it coming?is it coming? is it coming? this is so disgusting.there are toilets there. no, sai. since this willbe the thousandth episode.. ..i want it to be totallythrilling and exciting.. i'm thinking of something new. how can you do thatin this one episode.. ..when you failed to doit in the previous 999 episodes? don't think anything new,it will be very disastrous. shall i say something?- go ahead.

okay, then.move the camera gracefully.. sai, the hero and heroinewill look into each other's eyes.. no way, it is disgusting. sai, do you know what a kiss is? this, right?- sai, what is this new side in you? i'm not that kind of a guy. no way. i'm not that kindof a guy too. just sometimes.. i'll place the camera in a low angle. position the hero on thetop angle and push him down.

when his skull breaks apart,his brains shatter.. ..nerves become a pulpand he dies of a heart attack.. will do justiceto my serial, sai. sir, are you a serial directoror a serial killer? no, sir.. sadist rascal.he made us sign a contract.. ..that we can't take upother serials until this is done. he first said 50 episodesbut dragged it to 1,000 episodes. my situation is even the name of continuity.. ..he made me wear thissame dress in 400 episodes.

my family asked meto sleep in the outhouse.. ..because i smell like a dead rat.- what are they discussing? don't worry. i'm with you. hey! how dare youflirt with her on my set? oh god!- you rascal! how dare he flirt withher in front of my eyes? hey! who are you?why are you sitting beside me? i'm the president.- of your village? of your fans.

my fans?- yes. state-wide chilaka fans association. which state? two states. ap and telangana? both are telugu states. mom! do you see your son's success? he is famous in two states. is somebody there?- yes, sir?

bring coconut water for him. please don't takeany trouble for me, sir. you separate the hero andheroine in all your serials. why do you alwaysgive it a sad ending? that is my secret. but i'lltell you since you are my fan. women are naturallyinclined to shed tears. but since we men arebeing so loving to them and.. ..pampering them,they are not able to shed tears. that's why i make themcry through my serials.

women bring us maximum the trp. sir! so even in this serial.. i will kill them.i will bury the hero and heroine. sir! please reunite the hero andheroine in this serial. please. no way! the lead charactersin chilaka's serials.. ..never reunite. that will not happen. chilaka writes history.can anyone change the history? it is the demand of your fans.

impossible! what fans, bro? i'm the serial lion,the living legend of small screen. do you really know chilaka maritha? i came to get to know you. 'love tempest.' i madethe heroine hang herself. 'cyclone of youth.' i drownedthe hero in a water cyclone. 'heart is a volcano.' i doused the lead characterswith petrol and burnt them. they were burnt to ashes in the fire.

now i'm making this 'dangerin the heart' serial.. ..and i'm thinking of waysto kill the lead characters. fans of chilaka marthi don'tinterfere with his creativity. is there anything else, bro? anything else, bro?- next month is your birthday. yes.- in our state.. in two states.. yes, we want to celebrateit in two states. what did you plan?

come, let's talk inside.- i'm quite comfortable here. hot sun. you are getting so tanned.let's go inside. mom! thank you for blessingme with such a good fan. wait here, mom. i'll be right back. come, come. come inside.- yes, coming. hey! stop. stop. stop. i beg of you. how dare you separate lovers!

how dare you kill them! who are you and whyare you attacking me? i'm ashwin. where did you come from?- from prison. why did you go to prison? for love. will you change the climax or no? i won't. what will you do? i will kill you and go back to prison.

oh god! okay, chilaka. see you later. go home, bro. i will take care of it. hello!- ma'am! someone named kireeti is here. hey, neeru! come, sit. how are you?- i'm okay. how are you? i'm super.i'm going to the gym every day. does it look likei've lost some weight? no, looks like you'velost some height.

that's a good one. what else? i'm busy right now. what do want? your father met my dad the other day.. ..and proposed that we get married. you know that i alwayslike using branded things. that's why even withregard to my wedding.. ..i preferred a girlwho has no affairs.. ..instead of giving importanceto her wealth and status. so, who can be abetter option than you?

so, a small gift for you. what is this? - this is bvlgari watch,worth 250,000 rupees. five times more than your salary. i can't accept this.- you've to accept this.. ..because you aregoing to be mrs. kireeti. you've to get used to such things. kireeti, my office is verystrict about rules. so, please go. bloody office. after marryingme you don't have to work.. ..for 30 days a monthto earn 50,000 rupees.

i'm working to stand on my own feet,not for money. what happened to your feet? did you slip and fallfrom your cheap bike? bad joke. actually my senseof humor is not so great. you have no sense at all. sorry, find another wristfor this watch. goodbye. neeru! wait! neeru! what is this, mom?

i told you i don't wantto get married so soon. why did you send kireeti to my office? i don't have the courageto talk to your dad. if you have the courage,go speak to him. listen to me, mom.hello? hello! hello! darn! 'why is he here?' bloody rouge. i directly told 'i love you' to appu.

bro! bro! some guy has been following me. who? where is he? this man! this man! excuse me! who are you?why are you following girls? following?- yes. which girl?- neeru. don't act smart, okay?i know you well.

hello! if that's the case,then you have been following me. hey, man!who are you? why did you come here? who called you?- appu. aparna. aparna? appu! appu! what, chaitu? do you know him? hi! hey, ashwin! is this really you?- hmm, yeah.

i'm shocked. how did you come here? does that mean you didn't invite him? that's him. he can evengo to america without a visa. looks like a pool party.let me see if my friends came. hey, neeru.enjoy the party. i'll come. what is going on?- i know. i know. just forget it. it's been so long since we met. where did you go? what were you up to? by the way, how is indu?what is she doing?

did you two get married? what's wrong? why do you look sad? all the best for your wedding! bye. hey, what happened to you? i thought you mighthave a clue about indu. now my work is done. bye. hey, stay for the party. hey.. i know where indu is. you know?- yes.

really, seenu?- yes. you said you know where indu is. you said you won't tellme until we have drinks. i can't drink anymore. it's not fun to damage our own liver. but it is exciting todamage someone else's liver. have another peg. just tell me where indu is. please. what will you do if i tell you?

i will go find her. what? at this time? i'm not an occasional loverto wait for the right time. i'm a professional lover. i can hear music somewhere. look there. go dance. how will i danceafter getting so drunk? if you dance without drinkingit is called amusement.

if you dance after drinkingit is called entertainment. now i want entertainment. "lungi dance." "i am young and full of energy." "i am a big fan of rajnikanth." he hasn't left yet? why will he?he is enjoying the free drinks. what nonsense is he doing? "when this song will be played in disco."

"you will have to come on the dance floor." "you will have to lift your dance." well done, my boy! well done! your dance was so horrible that.. ..i'm fully entertained. thank you. please giveme indu's address at least now. do it properly. properly. okay. i will bow down before you. this is what i got me drunk..

..during the college farewelland made a fool of me. do you think i forgot that?i remember everything. what about indu? indu, my foot.this is seenu's revenge. tit for tat. tit for tat?- yeah. did you ever experiencehit with bottle? no. what? will you kill me now? leave me alone.- move aside. i have to kill him.

leave me alone. stop! stop!- leave me alone. leave me alone.- i will kill you! how did he fall down? you! what is this? nothing, mom. how can it be nothing?your skin has turned blue. i said it is nothing.

did you get into a fight with someone? where did you get it? the lovers werereunited in the serial. so i stole the betting money from dad. ashwin, this is not fair.i don't know anything about serials. hello, wait!- please give it back. please. i don't placed a bet and you lost it. that is a bet. be a man, dad. come on. hey, wait.

what is this, siri?i believed you and lost the bet. i thought he will forgetindu if he loses the bet. i never imagined thatchilaka will change the climax. "let's adorn the flowerqueen with flowers.." "..under a tent decoratedwith tender mango leaves." that's enough.bell, let's ring the bell. that's not the right way.this is the right way. who is it?- here she comes. wow, madam!what a beautiful face you have!

i will change sareeswithout changing the face.. ..and make you playat least 70 characters. rascal! boost. why did madam throw coffee on my face? anybody would like todo that to your rat face. when you meet a personfor the first time.. shouldn't pushyourself into their face. do you think i didn'tdisplay good manners?

i think we are on the wrong side too. shall we wait that side?- yes. yeah, i know. "should i tell the moon?" sure, go ahead. "should i tell of yourmischief in my dreams?" - hi. hi, sir! how are you? very fine. how are you?- i'm very fine. you are.. - sir, i'm serial legend of small screen.

i never heard of you. he hasn't heard of you.- tell him. chilaka marthi saptagiri. director of the serial'danger in the heart.' they call you tragedy king. why did you give a happy ending? i had to change it at the last minute. was it match fixing?- something like that. oh god! - many gamblers aresuffering because of match fixings.

come on, give me my 10,000 rupees. 10,000? why should i? i don't have it. why do you want to get beaten up? sir, he has a chain inside. take that. he bought it in dubai. okay.- okay, sir. thank you. you said this sidewill be the right side. we can't help it when your time is bad.- hello, chilaka!

hey, husband! you are here.i came for you, you know. thanks for changing the climax,chilaka. not just the climax,brother, i'll change your life too. really?- yeah. how? my next serial willbe based on your love story. when you came to beat me up,i liked your emotion. when i found out thatyou went to prison for love.. ..i liked your character.

if i turn your love storyinto a biopic love story.. ..on an epic level,audience will feel refreshed. and i already have a name forthe serial. 'hudhud in the heart.' no way.- why? indu will get upset if she finds out.i'm not interested. heroine's name is indu. note it down. your remuneration is 100,000rupees for 1,000 episodes. total 13,000 episodes. how much? 1.3 million.- take it.

don't make that face, bro. i'll impress youby narrating just one scene. listen. when we open, we pourtwo liters acid on indu's face. nothing happens. we pour one liter petrol.still nothing. we pour one liter diesel. no use. then we pour all three,then she gets burnt. i'm burning here. you will kill my indu?you will pour acid on my indu? if i see you againin these surroundings..

..i will chop youup into tiny pieces and.. feed the dogs and foxes?they won't eat it. no. i will make you eat it. do you really want this pain? the whole familyis bent on hurting you. let's go write a new story. i came to a decisionjust a moment ago. i'll follow him.i'll do research on him. i'll make a biopicserial based on his story..

..and become a legend inthe history of serial directors. turn it around.we've to go back to our village. what you did is not right at all. when kireeti visitedwith you the other day.. insulted him and walked away.that's so wrong. i don't like him, dad. shut up. why don't you like kireeti? he is educated and wealthy.he likes you. why would i send him toyou if he wasn't a good match?

dad, i don't wantto get married so soon. i've an offer to goto america to work on-site. and i've a chance to pursuemy masters degree there. have you lost your mind? did you think i will senda girl so far all by herself? girls are going tothe moon these days, dad. come to our village once. show me one girl who isof your age and still unmarried. you said you will study, work,and stay in hyderabad with a friend.

now you want to go to america. forget such foolish ideasand learn to obey your father. got it?- hi, uncle. yes, priya. how are you? yeah, uncle. i'm fine. are you parents tryingto find a good husband for you? yes, uncle. but they arenot able to find a good match. recently we gave an advertin a matrimonial site too. okay, dear. carry on.

bye, uncle.- bye. your friend gave an advertto find a good husband. but you are rejecting amatch that came searching for you. it is really hard tofind a good match these days. if you still act stubborn,i will drag you home. congrats, mr. ashwin.- thank you, sir. here is your engineering certificate. in my career,you are the first student.. ..who gave his exams whilein prison and passed them.

keep up the good spirit.- i will, sir. ashwin! keep all loveaffairs to the side and.. ..concentrate on your career.settle down in your life. i passed engineering for love, sir.i can't lose that. hey, indu! hi!- wait. indu, wait.- ashwin, i did it! 95% marks! that's good, indu. are yougoing to delhi to do your masters? yeah, delhi university.

the best place for informationtechnology. i'm so excited. but indu, i'll die offrustration if you are not here. why don't you join some local college?please. please. studying in a college willbe like living in a colony. but a university is like a big world. i want to see the world. but indu, you are my world.i can't live without you. so how can i survivefor two long years? come on, ashwin.

what will i do here without you? give exams and clear your backlogs. by the time i finish my pg.. should have a degreecertificate in your hands. indu, please try to understand. dimple! persuade indu not to leave me.please tell her. tell him. why are you crying likea kid who cries for a toy? why should she stay backjust because you failed?

you should encourageyour lover's progress. why are you discouraging her?- hey.. let's go. he'll never change. dimple! dimple! dimple! hello!- what? are you snuggling with your husband.. ..on a chilly night in london? hey, ashwin!is it you? how did you find my number?

i'm standing in front of your house. you devil! where is indu's new house?- i don't know. you think only you havethe right to enjoy married life? why can't i enjoy it too?i'm growing old. please tell me. i don't know.and i won't tell you even if i know. if i tell you,you will go there and create a scene. who are you talking toin the middle of the night? mom called from hyderabad, vasu.

really? why did you tell lies?you being a good wife? give me indu's address.i've your husband's number too. i will call him and saythat we had an affair in college. you rascal! i know youwill go to any lengths for indu. i'll give you the address,note it down. who cares about a person's nature? stature. stature is important.what do you say, mr. naidu? you are right, sir. absolutely right.- mr. pratap, just a sec. excuse me. rani, please take care of them.- okay.

where are you going? let me go inside, please. nobody is inside.- my indu is inside. the stocks are..- listen.. ashwin is here. where?- look, right there. let me go inside.- you can't go inside, sir. i need to talk to indu.- who invited you here? let me meet her just once.- you can't. i will be back in a moment.- ashwin! why did you come here?

uncle, let me meetindu just once, please. indu is not here. uncle, you are telling lies.i know indu is here. even if she is, i won'tlet you meet her. just get out. please uncle, i beg you.i can explain everything to you. no explanation, haven't changed.. ..even after going to prison.throw him out! i need to talk to indu. uncle, please! just once! leave me!

uncle! just once! i need to meet indu! auntie, please tell him. indu's father fileda complaint that your son.. ..barged into theirhouse and made a big scene. luckily the girl is in america. otherwise we would'vehad to arrest him.. ..under the nirbhaya act. your son already went to jail for her. this time he will be lockedin for at least six years.

sir, i don't know ifhe is naä«ve or just foolish. why is she so special to you? calm down. sir, please.forgive him just this one time. i will make sure thathe stays away from her. please. we've to take actionagainst him because.. ..we received a complaint. but this time, i'll justput him on the suspects' list. hey! if anything happensin their house next time..'ll be the firstone to be arrested. take care, madam. tell your son to stayaway from them and their house. if he repeats this behavior,he'll regret it all his life. did you hear that? why are doing this? enough. stop it at least now. enough. just look at him,the way he is walking away. wait. indu! indu! indu!

don't you have any love for your mom? do you know howpainful it was for me.. see you in prison for two years? did you ever think about me? your dad used to behappy going to functions.. ..visiting friends and relatives.but he stopped all that now. another police case?i can't take this stress anymore. why would she leaveyou if she loved you? she never called youor left you a message.

she forgot you. son, please forget her. mom, you didn't leaveme because i'm being difficult. similarly, i can't leave indu.but i promise.. ..i'll never go to indu'shouse and make a scene again. i'll never create problems for you. hi!- hi! did the md ask about me? he hasn't come yet.- okay.

thank god. okay. my darling. how can i leave you? i will come searching foryou no matter where you are. my love. my darling. the processing for on-sitecandidates has started. i will go to america in three months. you will go to america? no way! oh no! why did this rogue come here? who is he?

the rascal that i told you about. you think i can'tcome to america for you? i will. i will come there.i'm applying for passport. he thinks he can go toamerica if he has passport. idiot! i will apply for visa too.or, i will come on a visiting visa. but i won't leave you. why are you so crazyabout foreign countries? what will you do in americawhile i'm here all alone?

don't you have any sense? i should..- hey! what rubbish are you talking? hey! you? wow! you? enough of your drama! i'll go to americaor even to mars if i want. why do you care? why do you care? hold on! go to thegalaxy's edge and jump off. why will i care? then why are you talking about me? why are you followingme and harassing me?

what? i'm following you? what a fantasy! it is worse than bdsm. what is bdsm? kids like you will notknow about such adult content. go search in with a face like amoeba. i have a face like amoeba?- yes. you are blind, you skinny goat! i'm a skinny goat?you are like a stuffed gunny bag. even body builders willlook thin compared to you.

am i right? third class cheap fellow. you are someone who takesbinoculars to a 3d movie. really? are you high class? you belong to a classwho read reviews.. ..even to watch movies on tv. you wild boar! get lost, you country pig! get lost, you prawn!

get lost, you flat bread! shut up, you.. what does that mean? idiots like you will notknow such secrets of nature. and you won't find them on google too.go ask god. candidate no. 147.- yeah, coming. you just stay away from me,or else i will kill you. bloody rascal! god! send her to africafor on-site training and..

..make the cannibals eat her. hey, columbus! why are you followingme like the ebola virus? wasn't the last dose enough?- no, columbus. and why are you calling me columbus? that columbus discovered america.. ..but this columbus will find you are columbus. don't irritate me. did you see that?columbus is irritated because..

..he can't find his indu.300 episodes. i don't think we canstretch it that long. only two things in thisworld can be stretched.. is rubber andthe other is my serials. columbus,i completed my research on you. but i'm not able to figureout the twist that sent you to jail. if we know that,we can make 5,000 episodes.. ..before the twist and5,000 episodes after the twist.. ..and the twist itselfcan take up 3,000 episodes..

..and stretch the serial to the maximum.- yes. twist brothers! please leave me alone. no, please. don't say that. no way.- please say yes. please say yes. do i have to?- yes. okay.- okay. do one thing.- tell me. i will give you an address.- and? go to that house.- and?

ring the bell.- and? the doors will be opened.- and? you will clearlyunderstand everything. oh! very that it? now watch the trailer. yes?- i'm chilaka. i don't believe in parrot astrology. what is he blabberingabout parrot astrology? tell him about me. he is the living legendof small screen. - lion.

he is the serial lion. he is like a lion.- yes. lion doesn't bathe andhe doesn't bathe too. - yes. the similarities end there. but he is a lion.- yes. then lock him up in a zoo. get lost. do you know who sent me? who sent you?- ashwin. ashwin?- yeah. i'm here to find out about indu.

indu?- yeah. please come.- thank you. come on, let's go in. i have to pee. i'll join you later. disgusting. you with your bunny teeth. wow! such a big house? nice taste, bro.if you let me shoot here.. ..i'll complete 375 episodes here. sit down.

thanks.- you come with me. nice black. wow! wow! wow! auntie, there's a role in my serial.. ..second wife to the hero's father.will you do it? but he comes to visitonly occasionally. auntie missed out a golden chance. listen!- yes, sir? ashwin sent somebody for indu.take care of him.

turn left. turn right. hey!- why do i see feet in the frame? i came for indu,who called you pigs here? we came to tell you about indu. tell me.- let's go. why are the pigs carrying a palanquin? what is this?will you serve me on a swing? no, we'll serve all your body parts. serve my body parts?why are you spreading me?

do you want flashback?- yes. we want your back. take it. why did you flip me aroundlike flipping a pancake? we have to start the service. thanks for stopping. we didn't's time to change the shift. change the shift? i can hear a dog whining somewhere.

oh no! sir, what happened? i don't need your sympathy. okay, tell me. what actually happened? inside they.. gave you a round of bashing? they had a round tableconference with me. a group discussion? my history is shattered. let me see.

oh dear! you mean bum bashing? i won't spare that ashwin. he trapped me on purpose. he will never get indu.his love will be a failure. this is my curse. hi, dad! indu! my darling! welcome home! why didn't you tellus that you are coming? to surprise you.

who is she? indu. ashwin's indu. your anger and your curseshave no effect. waste. what is going on? bring the luggage in.come. come inside. we shouldn't tell ashwin about this. but he is a sincere lover. what is more important?his sincerity or my seniority? will you listen to him or me?

you. hello, sir! i'm ashwin here. please make sure thatmy passport is approved soon. it will take 40 days. 40 days? sir,i have to meet my indu soon. please. why are you whispering, sir? not there. it's me. come here. i'll call you back, sir. did you come back for the story?- no, brother. listen to me.

why should i?- indu is back. you sent us there, right? i came to tell you that. are you going out? am i blocking you?wait, let me go back. 'mom, you didn't leaveme because i'm being difficult.' 'similarly, i can't leave indu.but i promise..' '..i'll never go to indu'shouse and make a scene again.' 'i'll never create problems for you.'

what are you thinking about? go ahead. come on. get in, baby.- yeah, dad. indu, all the best for your new job!- thank you, mom. bye. okay. bye, darling.- bye. stop right there.- let me go inside just once. outsiders not allowed. i'll be back in a minute.- please go, sir. please. indu!- hey, my dad has come. bye-bye.

see you in the evening.- okay, baby. 'he is following me again.' fool! stupid! rascal!bloody idiot! such a scoundrel! stop. what happened?did you see him again? he was following me at the signal.. ..but i managed to escape. hey, you are wrong. he is here. darn! oh god! he is coming here.

hey! - neeraja! forgive me.please, it was a mistake. forgive me, please. forgive me.- what? please. i won't let you go untilyou forgive me. - what are you doing? why are you pulling my legs? oh dear! your shoe laces are undone.i'm tying them back. what? lord hanuman appearedin my dream last night. he said to me "son ashwin,neeraja is a very good girl." "don't fight with her.go and apologize to her."

i'm really very sorry. please. hey!- sorry. get up. get up. please, neeraja. forgive me. never! do you thinki forgot how you abused me? oh dear! my tongue has no slipped. give me the fork. i will cutmy tongue out and offer it to you. hey, let go.- give it to me, please. say yes. otherwise hewill touch you somewhere else.

say yes, madam. say yes. please. thank you, neeraja. now i'm at peace. now we are friends, right? you prawn! prawn? prawn? i'm a prawn? that's a nice name. suitable for me. you need something from me.i know that. so stop your nonsenseand come to the point. you got me. you got me.

you are a genius.- just the matter. okay, i'll come to the point.i have a love story. every idiot has twoto three love stories. next. indu and i have beenin love for four years. congratulations.- thank you. but we lost touchwhen she went to america. good for her. no. she got a transferand came back to india recently. poor girl.

now my situation is this.. ..i can't meet indu or talk to her. but i can't live without her. why are you telling me this? because she got transferredto your company. understood. now you wantme to talk to her for you. oh dear! why would i ask that of you? just give me a small jobin your company. that's it. what? sorry, i can't help you.

of course you fact, i know you can. last night i searched indu'scompany's website for a job. there are 24, i thought of applying and.. ..looked up the hr manager. oh! oh dear, the flat bread!not this devil again! i couldn't stop my tearsof joy when i found out that.., such a sweet goddess,are the hr manager. this is my resume.if you can kindly recommend me.. ..i will get the job.then i can get back with indu.

really? why should i do it? 50,000 rupees. what?- okay, 100,000 rupees? i can't believe this guy. okay, okay. i will makeyou an offer you can't refuse. 100,000 rupees plus,a 20 grams gold chain from tanishq. and a good silk sareefrom kala mandir.. ..worth 10,000 can wear it in your wedding. is that so?

additionally, i will giveyou a gucci perfume bottle. all in all,gifts worth 200,000 rupees. deal okay? okay? sounds good. have coffee. thank you, neeraja. thank you. you fell for the gold, right? what is this? why did you drop it? shut up, you idiot. do you think i'm a clerkat the government office?

if you come after me for a job again,i will break your jaw. madam!- let's go. madam, please! please! come.- yes, dad. welcome. why these formalities? because friends are goingto become relatives now. do we need such formalitieslike coming to see the bride.. ..then doing an engagement ceremony?

let's just fix a weddingdate directly. what do you say? what will i say?when have i ever said no to you? and my son is eager let's do it. priest!- yes, sir? fix the closest day possible.- okay, sir. done. your chapter is closed. i tied her laces and offereda bribe but she didn't agree. this time i will use dramaor protests or whatever it takes.. convince neeraja.

neeraja! i'm sorry.forgive me if possible. or, punish me.but please accept my love. it sounds like that prawn's voice. yes, looks like that dementedman followed you here too. what are you guys looking at?beat your drums. that's it. "you are a short-tempered fairy." "my love will be shatteredif you don't take mercy." "neeraja! neeraja!neeraja! look at me, neeraja!"

"if you smile like anangel for a selfie, i will.." maybe someone who came for donations.ignore him. he is signing a songusing your daughter's name. raju!- yes, sir? someone is creatingnuisance at the gate. send him away.- okay, sir. "come down like a goddessand support my love." "help my love to succeed." "i will become your fan.i will work as your peon."

"i bow down before you, o neeraja." "become a donor to mylove and an owner to my.." who are you?- hey, run! run! "come out like an empress." "o neeraja, open the doors." "don't destroy my life,please come out." sir! please exchangeyour promise notes and.. ..finalize the wedding date. "my love is not a love is not weak."

"my love is not a misfortune.neeru, feel my love." "my love is pure." shall we exchange them? sure. that guy is makinga big scene outside. your daughter is not saying anything. do you doubt my daughter? no. we are suspicious about that man. why are you silent, dear? say that you don't know who he is.

golden chance. use himto get out of this wedding trap. why don't you saythat you don't know him? i know him, dad. i love him. you should have askedyour daughter's opinion.. ..before inviting us home. anyway, don't forget toinvite us for the wedding. bye. let's go.- darn! what is this?is this the right thing to do?

hello, brother!it is a very good concept. your path is clear now. go inside. really? wow! actually i should blame your mother. i told you not tolet her take up a job. look what she did now.- excuse me. oh god! why did he come inside? if your father finds out the truth.. ..he'll call them backand fix the wedding date.

hello, auntie! good morning, neeraja.good morning, shailaja. hello, sir!- who are you? why are you singinglike a beggar in the trains? who are you, uncle? he is neeru's father. oh. nice to meet you, uncle. i'm.. i know. neeru told me. oh. you told uncle about it? super.

uncle, actually i wantto join neeraja's office.. ashwin, you go home. we'll talk later. is that a yes? deal okay? shut up! you think you can decideit between yourselves? why am i here then? i won't agree. why are you becomingan obstacle, uncle? he takes all the decisionsin our family, son. i see. then i will talk to you, uncle.

it is a good offer, uncle. offer?- yes. didn't you tell uncle about it? 20 grams gold, kanchi silk saree.. ..and 100,000 rupees cash. for what? for what?you can use them for the wedding. who buys just 20 gramsgold for a wedding these days? you should give atleast 100 grams gold.

you can demand, but i can'tafford to give you that much. uncle, it is my responsibilityto give what i agreed to. use it for the wedding orthe baby shower, as you see fit. oh dear, he is alreadytalking about a baby shower. what are you talking about? you think you can scareme by talking of a baby shower.. that i get you marriedas soon as possible? - married? how dare you ensnare my daughter?i will kill you! dad, please.- you be quiet.

uncle, you are confusedabout something. confused? do you know why i came?- why did you come? actually in neeraja's office.. dad, let him go.i will die if you hurt him. hmm. why does he want to kill me?why are you saving my life? shut up! be silent if you want a job. okay.

he is talking aboutwedding and baby shower. i think the situationis out of our hands. if everything goes well,he'll be our son in law. just think about it. what did you say your name is? i didn't say anythingand i will not say anything. he is ashwin, dad. okay. call your parents.i've to talk to them. but..- they went abroad, dad.

when?- what? he got confused looking at your anger. oh. he is a little short tempered,son in law. huh? wait. you are always in a hurry. you are quick toform ties with people. okay, inform us whenyour parents return. we'll discuss everythingand take a decision.

okay.- you may go now. i'll see him off, dad.let's go. oh god! i'm your lover?we are going to get married? this is terrible.if indu finds out, i will be dead. stop it. don't behave like a girl. come on, man.i didn't do it on purpose. my dad suddenly sprungthis engagement on me. i'm not interested in marriage. consult a doctor if you have a defect.

why resort to lies, neeraja? shut up! i have other plans. i was searching for a wayto escape and you came along. it is easy for you to say.but your dad took it seriously. i'm afraid that he will trapme into becoming his son in law. it won't come to that. i will go to america assoon as my visa is approved. what will happen to me? i will kill your charactersaying that you died.. a malaysian plane crash. oh god!- hey! okay. go ahead. use me. but neeraja,please get this job for me. please. i decided to help you wheni dragged you into my crisis. do one thing. bring yourcertificates to the office tomorrow. okay? bye. hi!- hi! good morning, neeraja. good morning!did you bring your certificates?

yes. i'm handingover my life to you now. okay. please sit down.i'll go and look into the formalities. yes.- okay? neeraja!- what? where is indu?- upstairs. upstairs?can i see her just once? please. hey, do you know what you are asking? just once. outsiders are not allowed.

i will see her from far. like this. i said no.- just once. what?- i beg of you. take this.- please. don't you want the job?- i want it. then, sit. sit down! hello! oh, really?

right now? okay, okay. i'm coming down.yeah. hi, indu!- hmm. we got 320 applicationsfor the fresher's drive. i selected 80 out of that fine? yeah. fix the interview dates.- okay. send mails to applicantsand inform the interview board. i'll be back in two hours. anything urgent, just give me a call.- sure.

and let me know the updates.okay? bye. okay. bye. oh god! that prawnis sitting downstairs. he might make a sceneif he sees indu now. oh no! ashwin! thank you! where's the restroom? go inside and take a left, ma'am. i'll just be back.- sure.

hey, ram! guess what? i came to my restaurant with indu. you know what i'm going to do? i'm going to propose to indu. she will say yes. she likes me. as soon as indu says yes,i'll plan a wedding immediately. yeah. sorry to keep you waiting.

no problem. it's okay. i want to tell you something. yeah. go on. i love you. will you marry me? yes!- it's beautiful. okay, indu is coming. bye. hey, you!- vamsi! go.

looking at your facei thought you were innocent. when you asked for my help.. ..i thought you were a sincere lover. i never thought youwill lie to me and fool me. lie? didn't you lie that indu loves you? that's the truth, neeru. then why was heproposing to your girl? why did you stealthat ring like a thief?

why can't you directlygo to indu and talk to her? why take this job andmake all these schemes? you are running after indu,she's running after him.. ..and you are runningafter me for a job. why all this running around.. planets rotatingaround the sun? tell me, please. look, since you helped me.. ..i took a risk andsaved you back there. i can't take any more risks.i can't give you a job. bye.

hey! neeru.. neeru.. just listen to me.- i don't want to listen to you. is it fair to leave me in the middle? he would've caughtyou if i had left you. the police would'veput you behind the bars. do you know whata prison cell is like? i know. i was in prison for twoyears for an attempted murder. i was released just recently. i was completely lost in indu's love.

i ignored my studies.i failed, but she passed. she told me to completemy graduation.. ..and went to delhi to do her masters. she used to communicatewell in the beginning.. ..but slowly her phone calls,messages, mails.. ..everything became scarce. one day i got a courierwith the ring that.. ..we exchanged asa symbol of our love. i couldn't bear that.i went to delhi immediately.

stop here. excuse me, bro. indu from hyderabad? check in the playground. yeah! come on! yeah! come on! come on! oh no. are you okay? i'm sorry. rascal! you idiot! who are you? have you gone blind? can't you see?- sorry, bro. vamsi!- how dare you!

bro! bro, please listen to me.- vamsi, stop it! stupid guy spoiled my game. indu, tell him. leave him. yes. he was my classmate. i'm just a classmate? what do you want me to tell him? that you are my boyfriend? my lover? aren't i?

what should i say whenthey ask me what my lover does? should i say thathe failed in graduation.. ..and is roaming the streets? look at them, man. everybody is doing masters,campus recruitments.. ..and foreign settlements. and look at yourself.why did you come here? why did you send this back, indu? when i was in your world..

..i made you putthat ring on my finger. but you are not in my world anymore. that's why i returned it. what do you mean? i mean i've changed. i've been waiting foryou to change for so long. but you didn't change. so, i changed. how can you change, indu? change is natural. inevitable.

i don't understandwhat you are saying. we've a crush on somebodyin 10th standard. that becomes an infatuationin intermediate. we are strongly attractedto opposite sex in graduation. then we become emotionalthinking that it is love. but once we reach a maturity level.. ..we understand how foolish we were. i matured. i changed. but you stayed right there.

don't say that, indu.i can't live without you. then change. wake up and grow up. give me one chance.give me some confidence. guarantee that you're mine.i'll show you. this is not a bank loanto give surety and guarantee.. ..this is love. if it is love, let's get married.marry me. what? no way! please, indu. let's get married.

please leave. - then everythingwill be okay. trust me, indu. ashwin, everybody is looking at us.- please. please stop embarrassing me. indu, why don't you understand?- hey! try to understand. please stop this. why are you harassinggirls on our campus? boss, please don't's none of your business. indu, please. let's get married. ashwin!- i'm asking you once again.

ashwin, please leave.- she asked you to leave. go. come on. who are you tointerfere in our matter? who are you? vamsi! get lost!- guys, stop it! i'll kill you! vamsi! vamsi, leave him! ashwin!- you! stop it, guys!

ashwin! ashwin, stop it! what? will you beat me up?come on, hit me! hit me. hit me. ashwin! ashwin, open the door! vamsi!- hit me. hey, what are you doing? ashwin, open the door! stop it! hello, police station?

hey, stop it! no! please save me! please! please, i beg of you! stop it.- don't beat me. move aside. move aside.- ashwin! open the door!- somebody save me. no! no! save me! hey, no. who are you?- i didn't do anything. believe me.

sir, please. i didn't hurt him.- ashwin! what have you done? indu, believe me.- vamsi! indu, i didn't do anything.- vamsi, are you okay? get up, tell her the truth.sir, he.. get lost!- sir, believe me.. i had sympathy for you till now.but not anymore. indu, i didn't do anything.i didn't do anything. get lost! i hate you! indu, no! indu, no!

vamsi, are you alright? he cleverly trapped me and.. ..filed an attemptedmurder case on me. i thought he did that toexact revenge for hitting him. but after seeing him with indu today,i understood his plan. he already had his eyes on indu. he played this gameto push me out of her life. i pity you, buddy. your lover is in lovewith your enemy. so sad.

no, no, indu is not in love with him. he hasn't proposed to her yet. he will propose to her very soon. look! because of my love for indu.. ..i forgot my anger for vamsi. but if he createsproblems in my love life.. ..i will kill him,if that's what it takes to gain indu. did you forget your prisonlife so soon? recollect it. you..sorry, sir.

what did you remember? did they hit youwith canes on your bums? you are right. it is importantto get closer to indu.. ..than exact revenge from vamsi. but you can get closer toher only when he is out of her life. what did you say? i mean, if you wantto get closer to indu.. he should be out of her life. yes! until now my onlygoal was to get a job..

..and get closer to indu. but along with that,i have to separate indu from him. he cunningly separated indu and me.. ..i should use the same tacticand cause them to break up.. order to gain indu's love. one patch up, one breakup.interesting. all the best. thank you, neeru. "sun will breakup with light." "moon will breakupwith its moonlight."

"rainbow will breakup with colors." "i will cause it." "day and night willbreakup with sleep." "sweet smiles andflowers will breakup." "life will breakup with joy.i will cause it." "watch it! i will starta raging fire between you two." uncle, ball please. hey, get out! get lost! uncle, please.

get lost! "break it up!just break it up! yeah, break it up!" are you mad? how can you be so rude to the kids? please, uncle. "just break it up!yeah! yeah, break it up!" "i will start my magic today." "i will not spare you.i will turn the tables around." "i will hiss like a snakeand exact revenge from you."

"i will show you whata man failed in love can do." sorry, sorry. "remember this.i will break your love like a mirror." vamsi, are you mad?- i didn't do it. darn. "break it up! yes!yes, break it up! just break it up! " "yeah! yeah, break it up." yeah!- yes! "yeah, break it up!"

congrats! what is this smell? oh, this? some kids were playing'holi' on the road.. ..and they sprayed it on me. 'holi'? where are the colors? poor kids. no colors. only water. they didn't let me gountil i gave them 100 bucks. poor kids?they sprayed you with chanel perfume..

..worth 4,000 rupeesjust for 100 rupees? and a ladies perfume at that. that's what happened.come on, let's have a drink. i want to go home. come on, let's have a drink. see you later. stage 1 over. we'll let you know. you may go. next candidate please.

a very good morning, sir. very good morning, young man. please come in. thank you, sir. okay, let's singh, carry on. well, mr. ashwin! what is abi? application binary interface. what is api? application programming interface.

asu? indu!- yes? would you like to ask some questions?- no, nothing. thanks. excellent. we will let you know. i killed the interview. the panel was astoundedand ate from my palms. very good. so how's your breakupplan coming along? i'm going to implementa very horrid plan tomorrow.

fantastic! i need your help for that.- my help? prawn! i'm at the movie theater. good. go sit in seat d-12. d-12?- yes. but my seat is i-16. just do as i said.cover your face and go. mahendra bahubali should live. okay, i'm sitting here. what next?

now look in the front. front? fantastic! superb, right? i can't believe this.vamsi and indu and sitting before me. you know? where are you? that isn't important. watch the movie. yes. hey!- yes, tell me. ask vamsi the hero's name.

i'm here to watch 'bahubali.'if i ask him the hero's name.. ..he will think i'm crazy. ask him. excuse me.- yeah? what is the hero's name? prabhas. oh. darling? okay, okay. thank you. are you okay?- yeah, i'm okay.

ask vamsi where the toilets are.- okay? yeah, i'm fine.- excuse me. where are the toilets? go right and take left. he told you. go there. okay.- go that side. are you fine?- yeah, i'm fine. i'll make a call. it's an urgent call. prawn! i'm here. wait there.

darn! neeru,come out right now and talk to vamsi. hurry up. come. come on, quick. okay, okay, okay. stop him and talk to him. what should i talk about? excuse me. hey, you again? sing nursery rhymes.a, b, c, d, e, f, g.. a, b, c, d,e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p..

l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t.. you are crazy. go away. ask him to zip his pants. hello! zip up your pants. oh, thank you. indu, you caught me. actually.. don't tell me anything.- oh, you understood? was this your urgent call? nature's call, right?there's no way to stop it.

five times.drained all the fluids from my body. disgusting. these are common in life. didn't you ever experience this? this may be common to you.i have my principles. what?- don't ever show your face to me. goodbye. hey, indu!indu, i can explain. hey, indu! yes! breakup! wow! how did you do it?

come. i will kill you! stop! i'm sorry. sorry.calm down. calm down, goddess kali! i beg of you. please stop. what do you think of me? you and your idiotic plans.why didn't you tell me? you wouldn't haveagreed if i told you. thank god! my plan worked out. not so fast, my dear prawn.

he ran after indu from the theater. i'm sure he stopped indu on the road.. ..fell on her feet,begged for her forgiveness.. swearing in god'sname or something like that. will indu believehim after what she saw? if my logic is right, yourindu will be having lunch with him.. his restaurant. if my guess is right,he will be in his bar sitting alone.. ..listening to sad songsand getting drunk. you'll see.

is that so? let's see. did you see that? vamsi is sitting alone and drinking. it's impossible forhim to get back with indu. hey, hi! cheers!- cheers! flat bread! yours is a fateful tongue! it is way more powerfulthan nostradamus. hey, he sent you to prison for indu..

..when he was her classmate. do you think he willlet go of her so easily.. ..when he is in arelationship with her? all my plans are failing,my life is a big mess. should i give yousome more shocking news? what is it? your job is on hold for now. they kept you on hold sinceyou have a criminal record. oh god! if i don't a get a job,if i can't break them up..

darn! what's the use of my life? i will die. god, kill me! kill me! ashwin, stop! kill me! i want to die! i want to die! a truck is coming! come on! let me go! i want to die! sorry.

what else could i do? why did you run ontothe road like a small kid? what if i was late by one second? i would've died. shut up! you are crazy! a small are pining away for indu here. does that mean you did that? did what? what's that? that.

you mean.. no, no, no. my love is pure. platonic. you are an antic piece. you should be placedin the salar jung museum. you will say that. my time is bad,that's it. what can i do? your time is not bad,your plans are bad. if it was me.. i couldn't achieve anything,you are a just a girl. don't underestimate girls.

we can break down empires if we want. you are being over-confident. challenge. i will breakthem up in a single attempt. if you do that,i will be your slave all my life. come on. hey! why did you bringme to vamsi's house? shut up and follow me. come on. where did you learn this art? during my stay at the hostel,i used this technique to get in..

..whenever i got late at night. hey, what.. hey, you carry condoms too. done.- i understood your plan now. i made the kids spray water on him.. ..asked you to come to the theater.. order to plant adoubt in indu's mind that.. ..vamsi is having anaffair with another girl. now you remixed thatplan and extended it. right?

exactly. now we are goingto confirm her doubts.. proving that themystery girl really exists.. ..and that she visitsvamsi's house regularly. what's the guarantee thatindu will come here today? i heard their conversationin the bar that day. indu, you are coming tomy house day after tomorrow. why?- it's my birthday. did you forget? oh, sorry. i forgot. i will be there. okay, she will come.

but what's the guaranteethat this plan will work out? i doubt it. in order to clear your doubts.. ..i will have to show youwhat is going to happen here. you act as vamsi, and i'llact as indu. let's do role-play. indu! indu! welcome to my humble home. wow, what a house!- and this is your welcome fruit. where should i leave my shoes? there.

ladies slippers. i don't know. whose slippers are these?- mine. don't tell lies to me. who is inside? nobody is inside. shorts?- indu! i don't know anything, indu. this frock?- i don't know. this dress?how did these things come here? why did you slap me, flat bread?

to show you that indu will slap vamsi. indu will slap vamsi? then slap me. i have hundred affairs. slap me again. prawn! he will slap bothof us if he sees us here. let's go. come, come, come. oh no, go inside. go inside.- we are dead. welcome to my house. come, come in. hey, you said it's a birthday party.where is everyone? the party is in the evening.

then why did youask me to come so early? i have a surprise for you. hmm, a surprise.okay. i'll remove my shoes. no problem, it's okay. come. are you sure?- come, no problem. actually indu, i called you because.. vamsi, i'll use washroom. washroom? i'll just be back.- yeah.

wow, indu. you are so beautiful. he is so sick.- rascal, i should kill him. indu, i've been waiting forthe past three years for this day. some rascal stole my ringin the restaurant that day. i ordered the samering from brazil again. yes, nobody can stop me today. i'll make this amemorable day for you. indu, will you marry me? what is a ladies dress doing here?

oh my god! that means someone was here. what else did he place? oh god! i'll be deadif indu sees these things. this.. last time youenjoyed swimming here. so i got this thinkingthat you might ask again. really? yeah, indu. did you buy these for me too?

yeah, i bought them for you. they are new.why did you hide them under the bed? i thought i shouldget them gift-wrapped.. ..and give them to you today evening. but you found them before that. are you sure? promise, indu. i'm surprised. actually this is not your surprise.

the real surprise is inside.come, let's have a drink. you brought all new clothes. why didn't you bringsome old ones too? you boasted that girlsare super-smart and intelligent. look what happened now. i should hit myself with my own shoe.that's right. what? your plan was a total failure,right? what now? go out for a second. let's go home. come on.

go out. why?- just go. you and your stupid plans. everything is ruined. darn. let's go. come on. so, tell me said you have a surprise for me. yeah, indu. actually..- what's that. ..i've wanted to saythis for the last three years. so, what's next?

when i saw you for thefirst time at delhi university.. sorry, my phone is ringing. yeah, neeraja? hello, indu! what happened to your voice? throat infection.i can't come to the office tomorrow. why are you telling me that? mail your leave letter to the office. okay, thank you.

strange. vamsi! what is this? is this for me too?this is not new, this is used. no! no, indu! did you buy a used one on olx? trust me, indu. i'm not lying.someone planted them here. but you said you bought them. that means you lied to me? no, indu. mother promise.

just shut up! you don't know the valueof a promise or a relationship. trust me, indu. i'm telling the truth. i don't trust you. i don'twant any explanations from you. i'm leaving. indu, stop! hey, indu! give me five! i haven't spoken to another girlin these 3 years, indu. - success! wait, indu!- no!

i know you are havingan affair with some other girl. no!- what do you think of me? i'm broad minded but i'mnot without morals like you. that's why i told you aboutmy love affair with ashwin. but you pretendedto be in love with me.. ..while having anaffair with another girl. are sick. a cheap fellow. never show me your face again! no, that's not true.- goodbye!

you are tuned intothe shred's work-out mix. breakup! wohoo! neeru, you are great! how was my magic? it's not's bragic. bravo. bratiful. ever since indu came back,something fishy is going on. perfume theater. and now this. someone is tryingto separate indu from me.

do you have any old enemies? yes. i have one enemy. if he is behind this, i will kill him! hi, auntie! is ashwin home? yes, dear. who are you? his friend.- oh. ashwin! yes, mom?- somebody is here for you. come inside. it's okay, auntie.actually, i have some urgent work. how do you know ashwin?

actually, he asked for my help.. help? what help? who is it, mom?- hi, ashwin! hey! did you say anything? no, not yet. ashwin, who is she? mom, she is neeru.neeru, she is my mom. hi, auntie!- hi! ask her to come inside.let's offer her coffee or tea.

no need. we will goout and have something. come, come, come.- bye, auntie. flat bread! if i had been late,we would've been in trouble. why didn't you callme before coming home? hello! i've been tryingto call you since morning. oh no! my phone is on silent mode. by the way, why did you come? to give you good news. good news?- yes.

what is that? do you think i willgive it to you so easily? please. please. please tell me. beg some more. i will touch your feet. not enough. little more. i will join my handsbefore you. please. come on, little more. not enough. have mercy on me.

you are the goddessof all goddesses. please. okay. indu called you. what?- yeah. yes! thank you, are an angel. i'm so happy. hey, stop. stop. why did indu call me?for love or for the job? how will i know?ask her when you meet her. wow!

'what is he doing here?is this a coincidence?' 'or, is he following me on purpose?' neeru! as soon as the signal turns green,go right. but we have to go left. no, go right. neeru! take the left. take a right at the circle. 'there's no doubt about it.he is following me.'

go fast. speed up. why fast? go fast. "o bee, don't buzz around me." "don't awaken the youth in me." "don't turn me into a flower." "don't steal my nectar." "one stone creates ripplesin the whole river." "a few rain drops makethe tender leaves grow."

"this touch thatengulfs you is a sin." "but i'm still doing it for my love." "please forgive me, angel." "please don't take away my life." "who is he that cameto me like a dream?" "when did i start givinghim so much freedom?" he is with another girl now.i think he forgot indu. yeah, you are right. i think it is a wasteof time to follow him.

stop, stop, stop. thank god!i think vamsi suspected something. he has been following us. in order to divert him.. sorry, neeru.i didn't say it beforehand because.. ..i thought you willbecome conscious of it. i overdid it a littlein order to escape from him. sorry, sorry. please.please, flat bread. please, angel. indu will be waiting for you. let's go.- okay.

75% marks. how? love. i failed becauseof my love in the past.. ..but this time i succeededfor that same love. actually, indu..what actually happened in delhi was.. i didn't call you here totalk about our personal matters. interview panel rejected you. but the ceo of our companysponsors corporate leagues. since you are a sportsman.. ..he recommended you for the are selected.

don't get over-excited. this is your id card.prove yourself. all the best. yes! eat this sweet. what is this? indu gave you the job.that's it, right? yes. but she didn'tshake hands with me. just watch.before i take my first salary.. ..i will take indu on my bike. i know you can do anythingyou put your mind to. you are responsible for this.

neeru, if we have a babygirl we'll name her after you. you are my best friend. thank you, are my best friend. thank you so much. wohoo. welcome. congrats. your seat. "i'm walking in the clouds." "i'm screaming atthe top of my voice." "i'm rolling on the ground."

"i'm jumping with joy." "i'm running behindyou like some psycho." "you can't deny thefact that there is a god." "he gave me an unexpected gift." "like bhajrangi bhaijaan.." "..he found me my heartthat went missing like munni." he is slaying it inthe practice match itself. looks like he will win the cup for us. "when your eyes fall on me.."

"..i feel as if you are tickling me." "when i hear you call my name.." " whole body shudderswith excitement." "i managed to live tillnow by seeing the moon from far." "my heart beats fasterwhen i sense you near me." "the love i lost is before me,my dreams are coming true." "it is like the firstcelebration of my life." "if there is a place whereall the festivals of the year are.." "..that place is my heart."

may i? yeah, please come in. ashwin! this is ourdubai project report. please go through everythingin detail right away. and you've to encrypt all the data.very urgent. will it be a problemif i do it in one day? neeru, urgent work. wake up. come on. wake up. wake up. what are you doing here at this hour?

indu asked me to completethis project urgently. what is the problem then? complete it. i can't do've to do it. please. "no matter how much i stop myself.." "..i'm doing everythingi can for you." "no matter how much you irritate me.." "..why can't i refuse you?" "i'm drawing colorful patternsin my heart to welcome you." "new hope is blossoming in my heart.."

"..and is calling me softly." neeru! neeru! neeru dear! why are your clothes in this state? when did you come, dad? just now. but when did he come? actually, last night.. what? was he here all night? uncle, we both worked last night.

worked? how longhas this been going on? this is the first time, right? actually, dad.. office work.. 'looking at their speed,very soon they will have..' '..a naming ceremony,not a baby shower.' dad..- one second. actually, dad.. in the office..- hello, mom! where are you?you didn't come home last night. i will come home in an hour.- who is on the phone?

did your parentscome back from abroad? give it to me. let me talk to them. dad, no..- you be quiet. give it to me.let me talk to them. give it to me. hello, sister! sister? have you gone mad? i'm nagi reddy. i'm neeru's father. who is neeru? and who are you? and why is my son in your house?

what can i say if you askme the question i want to ask? you are confusing me.what is happening there? my daughter and your son are in love. they are in love? before the situationgoes out of control.. ..we've to meet and discuss things. if our son reallyloves your daughter.. ..we have no objections. let's fix an auspicious day and meet.

son, now you.. uncle, i'm getting late for work.i'm going. bye, uncle. bye, neeru. hey, ashwin! come, come. sit. yup. the whole projectis in this pen drive. huh? what? already done? i worked hard the wholenight without sleeping. i'm impressed. coffee?

why not? let's go in my car. if you don't mind,can we go on my bike? for old time's sake.- okay. hey, go and bring that girl. what? what are you doing? who are you? hey! leave me! help! put her in.

no! leave me! who are you? leave me! leave me! hello! police station? stop! leave me! ashwin! drag her out! leave me.- drag her out! you sang well at the theater.i like your voice.

you and ashwin causedmy breakup with indu, right? i don't anything about it. let me go. i will let you go if youtell indu about your drama.. your sweet voice.. no, there's no other choice.indu won't believe me. and ashwin won't tell her the truth. so, you are the only one left. take this,call indu and tell her the truth. tell her.- i won't.

what gives you this courage? hey, game over! i know everything. in that case,you should have come to me. why did you attack agirl like an incapable man? i tricked you and sentyou to prison in the past. now i will bash you up and.. ..make you confess the truth to indu. kill him! no! please leave him alone. please.

leave ashwin alone. don't hurt him. hey, stop it! stop fighting! stop it! neeru, are you okay? fine, indu. ashwin cameon time and saved me from him. no, indu. ashwin and sheare playing a game with me. no chance.they met each other just recently. you don't know that. that's a lie. they are fooling us. no, indu. he is telling lies.

what is going on here? how dare you stagea drama in my station? no, sir.i will prove it. just a minute. look! cctv camera footage. do you understand it now? that veiled girlin the theater was her. see for yourself, indu.what more proof do you need? i can't believe it, neeru.why did you do this? did you know ashwin from before?

no, indu.i did this for vamsi, not for ashwin. i met him in thetoilet in the theater. he lied to you that somekids sprayed water on him. that perfume is mine. and.. the bra that youfound in vamsi's flat is mine. vamsi tells me everythingthat happens between you. i don't understand. you still didn't understand?vamsi is my boyfriend. he is trying to get ridof me because he found you.

when i asked him to marry me.. ..he kidnapped meand tried to kill me. no, indu. she is not my girlfriend. she is telling lies.this is ashwin's trap. why will ashwin trap you? because i trapped him in delhi. what do you mean you trapped him? i mean.. actually,i filed a case against him. because of that anger..

no, indu. i didn't try to kill him. he hurt himself andfiled a false case on me. is it true?- no, indu. he is lying. swear it on me and tell the truth. no, indu.. tell me the truth! so, it's true? but, i don't know this girl. enough. just stay away from me.

i feel disgusted to look at you. sir, i saw them kidnapping this girl. i will give a witnessin the court if you want. how dare you kidnap a girl? sir! no, sir!- take them inside and bash them up. sir! no, sir!- take them. indu! trust me, indu!no! don't believe them, indu! take them.- they are lying! indu!- you both sign the papers. come.

indu.. actually..- it's fine. come on, ashwin.let's go. come on, ashwin. such a big sacrifice? didn't you remember your parents,office or society? no. i didn't rememberanything in that moment. i just saw ashwin'ssad face in the station. i was scared that he'lldie if he doesn't get indu. i wanted to help him win her. you will lose to help him win?

how can we be happyif our loved ones are sad? but they will get married very soon. can you see them livingas husband and wife? can you bear to see that? neeru!- hi! are you going to us? yes. on-site offer. why didn't you tell me? i didn't get time.

visa stamping, ticket booking.. everything happened suddenly. when are you leaving? in four days. do you have to leave so soon? since i have to go, it isbetter to go as soon as possible. how can you leaveeveryone so suddenly? i mean your family, this office,colleagues, especially me. i'm sad to leave everybody.

but i'm very happythat i'm leaving you. why? you and your love.and your nuisance about indu. nuisance?'ll know it if you love someone. but i'm very sad that you are leaving. do you want me to stay? tell me. should i cancel it? no, no. it is very importantfor you to go to america. it's your ambition.don't ever sacrifice that.

i want you to be veryhappy wherever you are. from this moment onwards.. ..i will be with youtill the time you leave, okay? "every step i take withyou is precious to me." "i don't want to go away from you." "i want to stay here forever." "you are dawn and i'm dusk." "a new day has to be createdfor us to be together." what is this, son?i don't like that neeru has a job.

and now you aresending her to america. uncle, she is not going anywhere. she will be with us in our hearts. but son.. uncle, listen to me.i'll be going to us very soon. we'll come back together. don't worry. i'll take care of her. this is the final boardingcall for passengers.. it is time, neeru. come on.

bye, grandma. bye, mom. take care, dear. bye.- bye. hi, indu. hi, ashwin.good news. i told my dad about us. oh.- he was very happy. oh, really? wow, great! what great? i heard thatyou didn't go to practice kabaddi..

..for the past two days. actually,i came out for an urgent work. look, you got thejob under sports quota. and the match is tomorrow.- yeah. you have to win. sure, indu. i'll do it. don't worry. kabaddi. hey, priya! did neeru call? where is she?no phone calls or messages.

she closed her facebookand twitter accounts. it's been only a week.did she forget us so soon? you got your indu.why are you still chasing neeru? go. you won't will never understand. you are a used her for your needs. you created feelings in her. you made her fall in love. yes. she went toamerica to forget you. will you still chase after her?

please let her bein peace at least there. you used her for your needs. she went to america to forget you. "my soul, is this really true?" "did you shed tears tobring a smile to my face?" "my heart, is this really true?" "did you wound yourselfto ease my pain?" "you swallowed bitternessto sweeten my life." "you turned into a statueto breathe life into me."

"i'm like a kite thatis cut off from its string." "i lost my destinationand reached you." "you became my strength." "you helped me winand lifted me to the sky." "when your love was guiding me.." "..i failed to seethe darkness around me." jailer sir wants to see you. meet my daughter. hello!- hi, uncle!

this is murthy here.- listen. yeah? ashwin is coming. ashwin? welcome! welcome, ashwin!a hearty welcome! dear friends! attention please. this is ashwin, a great lover. he proved that a lovercan achieve anything he wants. so i have decidedto get my daughter indu..

..married to ashwin. last time, at a party right here.. ..i insulted him beforeyou and threw him out. so i will ask his forgivenessbefore all of you today. i'm sorry, ashwin. i should say sorry toyou and my parents, uncle. especially to indu. take this back, indu. the day you put thisring on my finger..

..i thought thatyou were my world, indu. but today you arenot in my world, indu. in my journey to gain your love,i discovered true love. that is neeru. she did many things for me.i got the job because of her. i could complete theproject because of her. finally, i was able to breakupyou and vamsi with her help. whatever neeru said in thepolice station that day is a lie. she maligned her character for me.

she made me stand beforeyou as a successful man.. ..and she silentlywent away somewhere. in the past,i saw your face everywhere. my mind was filled with your thoughts. but i don't know when neerumanaged to steal my heart. you once said that people change.. ..that change is natural,it is inevitable. i didn't understand it that day,but i do know. i have also changed.

now i see neeru's face everywhere. if i stay with you,i will be deceiving you and myself. i will be unjust to neeru. so, i'm backing outof my love for you. neeru loves me so muchthat she will die for me. but vamsi loves you somuch that he will kill for you. that's why i bailedout vamsi from jail. please, indu.release me from this love.. ..and give me permissionto go to neeru.

dad, please wait. great. that's wonderful. dad, they all are great lovers.ashwin, neeru and vamsi. i'm selfish, practical,a stone without any emotions. i don't have balance in life. when ashwin failed, i turned to vamsi. and when i doubted vamsi,i turned to ashwin. i thought that success means love. but i never wantedto help my lover succeed.

you don't apologize to me.. ..i've to thank you formaking me realize my mistakes. go on. i give you permission. welcome to air india, sir. yeah, 23a. there it is. that one? thanks. mom! hi, mom! yes, i boarded the plane just now.

mom, don't worry. i'll propose to neeruas soon as i land in america.. ..and she'll accept my love. okay, the plane is taking off.i'll call you later. bye. hi, sir!- hi! a love story? yes, sir. very interesting. i need a story.will you tell me yours? sure, sir.why not? first in the temple..

smoking and drinkingis injurious to health. what has happened to this city? it is filled with smoke and grime. why doesn't anyone object? why should we endure this in silence?


Ashwem, we should put an endto this careless attitude. don't hesitate whenyou see someone smoking. smoking in public places is banned. noncompliance will result in penalty.

don't smoke and donot let others smoke. smoking will result in great loss. who doesn't want pleasure? but at what cost? smoking is injurious to you. to your loved ones too. kabaddi! kabaddi! kabaddi! kabbadi! kabbadi! kabbadi! out.

ashwin! ashwin! come on, ashwin! come on! he is the only one left.what can he do? he has a magic mantra. what?- watch. indu! thank you, indu. "an avalanche of snowhas come crashing.." " comfort this dry desert."

"i think of you and forget the world." "i don't know if i still i a part of you? "my little heart hasendured a lot of wounds." "am i a part of you?" "though i'm surrounded by thorns.." " are the rose in my i a part of you?" "i will wait forever justto see a small smile from you." "every word i hearsounds like your voice." "every face i see looks like you."

"even after death i willlove you in another life." "i cannot forget you or leave you." hi, ashwin!- yes, bro? didn't you go to the sunday prayer? i want to go and pray foryou and indu to get reunited.. ..but i have to wash clothes. give them to me.i will wash them for you. no, bro.- just give them to me, bro. bro, pray sincerely.- okay.

ashwin! we'll pray for you too. "can you ignore all thesweet memories we shared?" "can't you believe that weare the best couple of all times?" "even the sun raysgo back after touching us." "nothing can come betweenus or separate us." i didn't do anything.- what have you done? i didn't do anything.- get lost! please listen to me.- i hate you! i didn't do anything.please listen to me.

go away! get out of my life! get out of my life! sign here.- hmm. mom! mom, don't cry. let's go. come on, dhoni! hit a six! get clean bowled. come on. that's a six..

wonderful catch.- catch! i told you i'll win the bet. come on, give me thousand bucks.come on. i will. why did dhoni get out so soon? you owe me six thousand rupees now. i will pay you. my favorite raina is here. your son is here. ashwin, my son! welcome!

have you really changedor did you run away from jail? i'm not a criminal to changeor run away. i'm a lover. wow! what a great lover you are! i spent 400,000 rupeesto get you a seat in engineering. but you followed indu likea puppy and ruined my money. you made us run aroundpolice stations.. ..prisons and courts. please. he came home just now.let him rest. go inside.

your son looks like hecame home from a party, not jail. hmm? let's go out and talk. the number you are callingis currently switched off. please call again later. the number you are callingis currently unavailable. i'm telling the truth.we sold everything and came here. how can we sell everythingagain and go back? children are studying here.i've got used to hyderabad..

excuse me.- hmm? who do you want to meet? are you the new watchman? i've been here for a while.i'm seeing you for the first time. i came to see the young madam. young madam?there are only aunties in this house. what? indu lives here, right? as far as i know, there'sno one called indu in this area. isn't this mr. surender's house?

mr. kanth bought it a year ago. do you at least knowwhere they have moved? how will i know that?i'll get fired if my boss sees you. please go. "i've blossomed like a fresh flower." "i've become likea second skin to you." "i've turned into a painting for you." "i've written poetryabout you on my heart." "this water lily has writtena love letter for the moon."

"i'm the night thatwaits for the moon." "when you are with me,the world looks beautiful to me." "with your love beside me,i feel life flowing through me." "nothing can take awaythe promise you made to me." "my life without you is likea journey without destination." "what's the use of this breathif it can't take me to you?" "what's the use of thislife if it can't take me to you?" "but everything turnedbitter when you left me.." sprinkle this holy wateron lord hanuman's idol..

..and circumambulate him 108 times. your desire will be be it! 108! lord hanuman,please do something.. bring back indu to me. i'll circumambulate youridol every day from today. "it's like the lonely nighthas given way to a new dawn." "it's like a nightingale'ssong in a dry desert." "your coming back hasfilled my heart with new hope." "let me look at you andlock you up in my heart."

"let me come to you sothat i can erase the past." mom! i've searched forpriya everywhere possible. i've knocked everydoor you can imagine. i can't think of anybodyelse other than priya. i can't live without her, mom. i really don't knowwhere my life will take me. mom, give me coffee. ashwin! come here. hurry up. what is it, mom?- come here. sit down.

i've been observing youever since you came back. you disappear in the morningand don't return until evening. you are never at home. will he find indu if he sits at home? that's why he is touring the city. is that true? no, mom. don't tell me lies. look, the hero in this serial also..

..constantly searchesfor his lover like you. does he kill himselfwhen he doesn't find her? the climax is next week.but i'm sure.. ..that the lovers won't reunite. mom, you can't call it a lovestory if the lovers don't unite. they will definitely'll see. they won't.- they will. i know that director.he likes making tragedies. mom, lovers always reunite.

no, they don't.- yes, they do. shall we bet on it? the lovers in theserial won't reunite. i bet 1,000 rupees. same here. the lovers won't reunite. i won't bet.but my opinion is the same. if we all are on one side,who will be on the opposing side? me. you?

yes, i bet.the lovers will come together again. if you win,i will give you 10,000 rupees. what if you lose?- you tell me. if you lose, you should forget indu. one more thing. you shouldgive me the ring that indu gave you. he's lost in thought.shall we cancel the bet? yes, he can't..- no. the bet is on. i'm ready, mom. will priya and rahul reunite?next week.. why is he so confident?

is it coming?is it coming? is it coming? this is so disgusting.there are toilets there. no, sai. since this willbe the thousandth episode.. ..i want it to be totallythrilling and exciting.. i'm thinking of something new. how can you do thatin this one episode.. ..when you failed to doit in the previous 999 episodes? don't think anything new,it will be very disastrous. shall i say something?- go ahead.

okay, then.move the camera gracefully.. sai, the hero and heroinewill look into each other's eyes.. no way, it is disgusting. sai, do you know what a kiss is? this, right?- sai, what is this new side in you? i'm not that kind of a guy. no way. i'm not that kindof a guy too. just sometimes.. i'll place the camera in a low angle. position the hero on thetop angle and push him down.

when his skull breaks apart,his brains shatter.. ..nerves become a pulpand he dies of a heart attack.. will do justiceto my serial, sai. sir, are you a serial directoror a serial killer? no, sir.. sadist rascal.he made us sign a contract.. ..that we can't take upother serials until this is done. he first said 50 episodesbut dragged it to 1,000 episodes. my situation is even the name of continuity.. ..he made me wear thissame dress in 400 episodes.

my family asked meto sleep in the outhouse.. ..because i smell like a dead rat.- what are they discussing? don't worry. i'm with you. hey! how dare youflirt with her on my set? oh god!- you rascal! how dare he flirt withher in front of my eyes? hey! who are you?why are you sitting beside me? i'm the president.- of your village? of your fans.

my fans?- yes. state-wide chilaka fans association. which state? two states. ap and telangana? both are telugu states. mom! do you see your son's success? he is famous in two states. is somebody there?- yes, sir?

bring coconut water for him. please don't takeany trouble for me, sir. you separate the hero andheroine in all your serials. why do you alwaysgive it a sad ending? that is my secret. but i'lltell you since you are my fan. women are naturallyinclined to shed tears. but since we men arebeing so loving to them and.. ..pampering them,they are not able to shed tears. that's why i make themcry through my serials.

women bring us maximum the trp. sir! so even in this serial.. i will kill them.i will bury the hero and heroine. sir! please reunite the hero andheroine in this serial. please. no way! the lead charactersin chilaka's serials.. ..never reunite. that will not happen. chilaka writes history.can anyone change the history? it is the demand of your fans.

impossible! what fans, bro? i'm the serial lion,the living legend of small screen. do you really know chilaka maritha? i came to get to know you. 'love tempest.' i madethe heroine hang herself. 'cyclone of youth.' i drownedthe hero in a water cyclone. 'heart is a volcano.' i doused the lead characterswith petrol and burnt them. they were burnt to ashes in the fire.

now i'm making this 'dangerin the heart' serial.. ..and i'm thinking of waysto kill the lead characters. fans of chilaka marthi don'tinterfere with his creativity. is there anything else, bro? anything else, bro?- next month is your birthday. yes.- in our state.. in two states.. yes, we want to celebrateit in two states. what did you plan?

come, let's talk inside.- i'm quite comfortable here. hot sun. you are getting so tanned.let's go inside. mom! thank you for blessingme with such a good fan. wait here, mom. i'll be right back. come, come. come inside.- yes, coming. hey! stop. stop. stop. i beg of you. how dare you separate lovers!

how dare you kill them! who are you and whyare you attacking me? i'm ashwin. where did you come from?- from prison. why did you go to prison? for love. will you change the climax or no? i won't. what will you do? i will kill you and go back to prison.

oh god! okay, chilaka. see you later. go home, bro. i will take care of it. hello!- ma'am! someone named kireeti is here. hey, neeru! come, sit. how are you?- i'm okay. how are you? i'm super.i'm going to the gym every day. does it look likei've lost some weight? no, looks like you'velost some height.

that's a good one. what else? i'm busy right now. what do want? your father met my dad the other day.. ..and proposed that we get married. you know that i alwayslike using branded things. that's why even withregard to my wedding.. ..i preferred a girlwho has no affairs.. ..instead of giving importanceto her wealth and status. so, who can be abetter option than you?

so, a small gift for you. what is this? - this is bvlgari watch,worth 250,000 rupees. five times more than your salary. i can't accept this.- you've to accept this.. ..because you aregoing to be mrs. kireeti. you've to get used to such things. kireeti, my office is verystrict about rules. so, please go. bloody office. after marryingme you don't have to work.. ..for 30 days a monthto earn 50,000 rupees.

i'm working to stand on my own feet,not for money. what happened to your feet? did you slip and fallfrom your cheap bike? bad joke. actually my senseof humor is not so great. you have no sense at all. sorry, find another wristfor this watch. goodbye. neeru! wait! neeru! what is this, mom?

i told you i don't wantto get married so soon. why did you send kireeti to my office? i don't have the courageto talk to your dad. if you have the courage,go speak to him. listen to me, mom.hello? hello! hello! darn! 'why is he here?' bloody rouge. i directly told 'i love you' to appu.

bro! bro! some guy has been following me. who? where is he? this man! this man! excuse me! who are you?why are you following girls? following?- yes. which girl?- neeru. don't act smart, okay?i know you well.

hello! if that's the case,then you have been following me. hey, man!who are you? why did you come here? who called you?- appu. aparna. aparna? appu! appu! what, chaitu? do you know him? hi! hey, ashwin! is this really you?- hmm, yeah.

i'm shocked. how did you come here? does that mean you didn't invite him? that's him. he can evengo to america without a visa. looks like a pool party.let me see if my friends came. hey, neeru.enjoy the party. i'll come. what is going on?- i know. i know. just forget it. it's been so long since we met. where did you go? what were you up to? by the way, how is indu?what is she doing?

did you two get married? what's wrong? why do you look sad? all the best for your wedding! bye. hey, what happened to you? i thought you mighthave a clue about indu. now my work is done. bye. hey, stay for the party. hey.. i know where indu is. you know?- yes.

really, seenu?- yes. you said you know where indu is. you said you won't tellme until we have drinks. i can't drink anymore. it's not fun to damage our own liver. but it is exciting todamage someone else's liver. have another peg. just tell me where indu is. please. what will you do if i tell you?

i will go find her. what? at this time? i'm not an occasional loverto wait for the right time. i'm a professional lover. i can hear music somewhere. look there. go dance. how will i danceafter getting so drunk? if you dance without drinkingit is called amusement.

if you dance after drinkingit is called entertainment. now i want entertainment. "lungi dance." "i am young and full of energy." "i am a big fan of rajnikanth." he hasn't left yet? why will he?he is enjoying the free drinks. what nonsense is he doing? "when this song will be played in disco."

"you will have to come on the dance floor." "you will have to lift your dance." well done, my boy! well done! your dance was so horrible that.. ..i'm fully entertained. thank you. please giveme indu's address at least now. do it properly. properly. okay. i will bow down before you. this is what i got me drunk..

..during the college farewelland made a fool of me. do you think i forgot that?i remember everything. what about indu? indu, my foot.this is seenu's revenge. tit for tat. tit for tat?- yeah. did you ever experiencehit with bottle? no. what? will you kill me now? leave me alone.- move aside. i have to kill him.

leave me alone. stop! stop!- leave me alone. leave me alone.- i will kill you! how did he fall down? you! what is this? nothing, mom. how can it be nothing?your skin has turned blue. i said it is nothing.

did you get into a fight with someone? where did you get it? the lovers werereunited in the serial. so i stole the betting money from dad. ashwin, this is not fair.i don't know anything about serials. hello, wait!- please give it back. please. i don't placed a bet and you lost it. that is a bet. be a man, dad. come on. hey, wait.

what is this, siri?i believed you and lost the bet. i thought he will forgetindu if he loses the bet. i never imagined thatchilaka will change the climax. "let's adorn the flowerqueen with flowers.." "..under a tent decoratedwith tender mango leaves." that's enough.bell, let's ring the bell. that's not the right way.this is the right way. who is it?- here she comes. wow, madam!what a beautiful face you have!

i will change sareeswithout changing the face.. ..and make you playat least 70 characters. rascal! boost. why did madam throw coffee on my face? anybody would like todo that to your rat face. when you meet a personfor the first time.. shouldn't pushyourself into their face. do you think i didn'tdisplay good manners?

i think we are on the wrong side too. shall we wait that side?- yes. yeah, i know. "should i tell the moon?" sure, go ahead. "should i tell of yourmischief in my dreams?" - hi. hi, sir! how are you? very fine. how are you?- i'm very fine. you are.. - sir, i'm serial legend of small screen.

i never heard of you. he hasn't heard of you.- tell him. chilaka marthi saptagiri. director of the serial'danger in the heart.' they call you tragedy king. why did you give a happy ending? i had to change it at the last minute. was it match fixing?- something like that. oh god! - many gamblers aresuffering because of match fixings.

come on, give me my 10,000 rupees. 10,000? why should i? i don't have it. why do you want to get beaten up? sir, he has a chain inside. take that. he bought it in dubai. okay.- okay, sir. thank you. you said this sidewill be the right side. we can't help it when your time is bad.- hello, chilaka!

hey, husband! you are here.i came for you, you know. thanks for changing the climax,chilaka. not just the climax,brother, i'll change your life too. really?- yeah. how? my next serial willbe based on your love story. when you came to beat me up,i liked your emotion. when i found out thatyou went to prison for love.. ..i liked your character.

if i turn your love storyinto a biopic love story.. ..on an epic level,audience will feel refreshed. and i already have a name forthe serial. 'hudhud in the heart.' no way.- why? indu will get upset if she finds out.i'm not interested. heroine's name is indu. note it down. your remuneration is 100,000rupees for 1,000 episodes. total 13,000 episodes. how much? 1.3 million.- take it.

don't make that face, bro. i'll impress youby narrating just one scene. listen. when we open, we pourtwo liters acid on indu's face. nothing happens. we pour one liter petrol.still nothing. we pour one liter diesel. no use. then we pour all three,then she gets burnt. i'm burning here. you will kill my indu?you will pour acid on my indu? if i see you againin these surroundings..

..i will chop youup into tiny pieces and.. feed the dogs and foxes?they won't eat it. no. i will make you eat it. do you really want this pain? the whole familyis bent on hurting you. let's go write a new story. i came to a decisionjust a moment ago. i'll follow him.i'll do research on him. i'll make a biopicserial based on his story..

..and become a legend inthe history of serial directors. turn it around.we've to go back to our village. what you did is not right at all. when kireeti visitedwith you the other day.. insulted him and walked away.that's so wrong. i don't like him, dad. shut up. why don't you like kireeti? he is educated and wealthy.he likes you. why would i send him toyou if he wasn't a good match?

dad, i don't wantto get married so soon. i've an offer to goto america to work on-site. and i've a chance to pursuemy masters degree there. have you lost your mind? did you think i will senda girl so far all by herself? girls are going tothe moon these days, dad. come to our village once. show me one girl who isof your age and still unmarried. you said you will study, work,and stay in hyderabad with a friend.

now you want to go to america. forget such foolish ideasand learn to obey your father. got it?- hi, uncle. yes, priya. how are you? yeah, uncle. i'm fine. are you parents tryingto find a good husband for you? yes, uncle. but they arenot able to find a good match. recently we gave an advertin a matrimonial site too. okay, dear. carry on.

bye, uncle.- bye. your friend gave an advertto find a good husband. but you are rejecting amatch that came searching for you. it is really hard tofind a good match these days. if you still act stubborn,i will drag you home. congrats, mr. ashwin.- thank you, sir. here is your engineering certificate. in my career,you are the first student.. ..who gave his exams whilein prison and passed them.

keep up the good spirit.- i will, sir. ashwin! keep all loveaffairs to the side and.. ..concentrate on your career.settle down in your life. i passed engineering for love, sir.i can't lose that. hey, indu! hi!- wait. indu, wait.- ashwin, i did it! 95% marks! that's good, indu. are yougoing to delhi to do your masters? yeah, delhi university.

the best place for informationtechnology. i'm so excited. but indu, i'll die offrustration if you are not here. why don't you join some local college?please. please. studying in a college willbe like living in a colony. but a university is like a big world. i want to see the world. but indu, you are my world.i can't live without you. so how can i survivefor two long years? come on, ashwin.

what will i do here without you? give exams and clear your backlogs. by the time i finish my pg.. should have a degreecertificate in your hands. indu, please try to understand. dimple! persuade indu not to leave me.please tell her. tell him. why are you crying likea kid who cries for a toy? why should she stay backjust because you failed?

you should encourageyour lover's progress. why are you discouraging her?- hey.. let's go. he'll never change. dimple! dimple! dimple! hello!- what? are you snuggling with your husband.. ..on a chilly night in london? hey, ashwin!is it you? how did you find my number?

i'm standing in front of your house. you devil! where is indu's new house?- i don't know. you think only you havethe right to enjoy married life? why can't i enjoy it too?i'm growing old. please tell me. i don't know.and i won't tell you even if i know. if i tell you,you will go there and create a scene. who are you talking toin the middle of the night? mom called from hyderabad, vasu.

really? why did you tell lies?you being a good wife? give me indu's address.i've your husband's number too. i will call him and saythat we had an affair in college. you rascal! i know youwill go to any lengths for indu. i'll give you the address,note it down. who cares about a person's nature? stature. stature is important.what do you say, mr. naidu? you are right, sir. absolutely right.- mr. pratap, just a sec. excuse me. rani, please take care of them.- okay.

where are you going? let me go inside, please. nobody is inside.- my indu is inside. the stocks are..- listen.. ashwin is here. where?- look, right there. let me go inside.- you can't go inside, sir. i need to talk to indu.- who invited you here? let me meet her just once.- you can't. i will be back in a moment.- ashwin! why did you come here?

uncle, let me meetindu just once, please. indu is not here. uncle, you are telling lies.i know indu is here. even if she is, i won'tlet you meet her. just get out. please uncle, i beg you.i can explain everything to you. no explanation, haven't changed.. ..even after going to prison.throw him out! i need to talk to indu. uncle, please! just once! leave me!

uncle! just once! i need to meet indu! auntie, please tell him. indu's father fileda complaint that your son.. ..barged into theirhouse and made a big scene. luckily the girl is in america. otherwise we would'vehad to arrest him.. ..under the nirbhaya act. your son already went to jail for her. this time he will be lockedin for at least six years.

sir, i don't know ifhe is naä«ve or just foolish. why is she so special to you? calm down. sir, please.forgive him just this one time. i will make sure thathe stays away from her. please. we've to take actionagainst him because.. ..we received a complaint. but this time, i'll justput him on the suspects' list. hey! if anything happensin their house next time..'ll be the firstone to be arrested. take care, madam. tell your son to stayaway from them and their house. if he repeats this behavior,he'll regret it all his life. did you hear that? why are doing this? enough. stop it at least now. enough. just look at him,the way he is walking away. wait. indu! indu! indu!

don't you have any love for your mom? do you know howpainful it was for me.. see you in prison for two years? did you ever think about me? your dad used to behappy going to functions.. ..visiting friends and relatives.but he stopped all that now. another police case?i can't take this stress anymore. why would she leaveyou if she loved you? she never called youor left you a message.

she forgot you. son, please forget her. mom, you didn't leaveme because i'm being difficult. similarly, i can't leave indu.but i promise.. ..i'll never go to indu'shouse and make a scene again. i'll never create problems for you. hi!- hi! did the md ask about me? he hasn't come yet.- okay.

thank god. okay. my darling. how can i leave you? i will come searching foryou no matter where you are. my love. my darling. the processing for on-sitecandidates has started. i will go to america in three months. you will go to america? no way! oh no! why did this rogue come here? who is he?

the rascal that i told you about. you think i can'tcome to america for you? i will. i will come there.i'm applying for passport. he thinks he can go toamerica if he has passport. idiot! i will apply for visa too.or, i will come on a visiting visa. but i won't leave you. why are you so crazyabout foreign countries? what will you do in americawhile i'm here all alone?

don't you have any sense? i should..- hey! what rubbish are you talking? hey! you? wow! you? enough of your drama! i'll go to americaor even to mars if i want. why do you care? why do you care? hold on! go to thegalaxy's edge and jump off. why will i care? then why are you talking about me? why are you followingme and harassing me?

what? i'm following you? what a fantasy! it is worse than bdsm. what is bdsm? kids like you will notknow about such adult content. go search in with a face like amoeba. i have a face like amoeba?- yes. you are blind, you skinny goat! i'm a skinny goat?you are like a stuffed gunny bag. even body builders willlook thin compared to you.

am i right? third class cheap fellow. you are someone who takesbinoculars to a 3d movie. really? are you high class? you belong to a classwho read reviews.. ..even to watch movies on tv. you wild boar! get lost, you country pig! get lost, you prawn!

get lost, you flat bread! shut up, you.. what does that mean? idiots like you will notknow such secrets of nature. and you won't find them on google too.go ask god. candidate no. 147.- yeah, coming. you just stay away from me,or else i will kill you. bloody rascal! god! send her to africafor on-site training and..

..make the cannibals eat her. hey, columbus! why are you followingme like the ebola virus? wasn't the last dose enough?- no, columbus. and why are you calling me columbus? that columbus discovered america.. ..but this columbus will find you are columbus. don't irritate me. did you see that?columbus is irritated because..

..he can't find his indu.300 episodes. i don't think we canstretch it that long. only two things in thisworld can be stretched.. is rubber andthe other is my serials. columbus,i completed my research on you. but i'm not able to figureout the twist that sent you to jail. if we know that,we can make 5,000 episodes.. ..before the twist and5,000 episodes after the twist.. ..and the twist itselfcan take up 3,000 episodes..

..and stretch the serial to the maximum.- yes. twist brothers! please leave me alone. no, please. don't say that. no way.- please say yes. please say yes. do i have to?- yes. okay.- okay. do one thing.- tell me. i will give you an address.- and? go to that house.- and?

ring the bell.- and? the doors will be opened.- and? you will clearlyunderstand everything. oh! very that it? now watch the trailer. yes?- i'm chilaka. i don't believe in parrot astrology. what is he blabberingabout parrot astrology? tell him about me. he is the living legendof small screen. - lion.

he is the serial lion. he is like a lion.- yes. lion doesn't bathe andhe doesn't bathe too. - yes. the similarities end there. but he is a lion.- yes. then lock him up in a zoo. get lost. do you know who sent me? who sent you?- ashwin. ashwin?- yeah. i'm here to find out about indu.

indu?- yeah. please come.- thank you. come on, let's go in. i have to pee. i'll join you later. disgusting. you with your bunny teeth. wow! such a big house? nice taste, bro.if you let me shoot here.. ..i'll complete 375 episodes here. sit down.

thanks.- you come with me. nice black. wow! wow! wow! auntie, there's a role in my serial.. ..second wife to the hero's father.will you do it? but he comes to visitonly occasionally. auntie missed out a golden chance. listen!- yes, sir? ashwin sent somebody for indu.take care of him.

turn left. turn right. hey!- why do i see feet in the frame? i came for indu,who called you pigs here? we came to tell you about indu. tell me.- let's go. why are the pigs carrying a palanquin? what is this?will you serve me on a swing? no, we'll serve all your body parts. serve my body parts?why are you spreading me?

do you want flashback?- yes. we want your back. take it. why did you flip me aroundlike flipping a pancake? we have to start the service. thanks for stopping. we didn't's time to change the shift. change the shift? i can hear a dog whining somewhere.

oh no! sir, what happened? i don't need your sympathy. okay, tell me. what actually happened? inside they.. gave you a round of bashing? they had a round tableconference with me. a group discussion? my history is shattered. let me see.

oh dear! you mean bum bashing? i won't spare that ashwin. he trapped me on purpose. he will never get indu.his love will be a failure. this is my curse. hi, dad! indu! my darling! welcome home! why didn't you tellus that you are coming? to surprise you.

who is she? indu. ashwin's indu. your anger and your curseshave no effect. waste. what is going on? bring the luggage in.come. come inside. we shouldn't tell ashwin about this. but he is a sincere lover. what is more important?his sincerity or my seniority? will you listen to him or me?

you. hello, sir! i'm ashwin here. please make sure thatmy passport is approved soon. it will take 40 days. 40 days? sir,i have to meet my indu soon. please. why are you whispering, sir? not there. it's me. come here. i'll call you back, sir. did you come back for the story?- no, brother. listen to me.

why should i?- indu is back. you sent us there, right? i came to tell you that. are you going out? am i blocking you?wait, let me go back. 'mom, you didn't leaveme because i'm being difficult.' 'similarly, i can't leave indu.but i promise..' '..i'll never go to indu'shouse and make a scene again.' 'i'll never create problems for you.'

what are you thinking about? go ahead. come on. get in, baby.- yeah, dad. indu, all the best for your new job!- thank you, mom. bye. okay. bye, darling.- bye. stop right there.- let me go inside just once. outsiders not allowed. i'll be back in a minute.- please go, sir. please. indu!- hey, my dad has come. bye-bye.

see you in the evening.- okay, baby. 'he is following me again.' fool! stupid! rascal!bloody idiot! such a scoundrel! stop. what happened?did you see him again? he was following me at the signal.. ..but i managed to escape. hey, you are wrong. he is here. darn! oh god! he is coming here.

hey! - neeraja! forgive me.please, it was a mistake. forgive me, please. forgive me.- what? please. i won't let you go untilyou forgive me. - what are you doing? why are you pulling my legs? oh dear! your shoe laces are undone.i'm tying them back. what? lord hanuman appearedin my dream last night. he said to me "son ashwin,neeraja is a very good girl." "don't fight with her.go and apologize to her."

i'm really very sorry. please. hey!- sorry. get up. get up. please, neeraja. forgive me. never! do you thinki forgot how you abused me? oh dear! my tongue has no slipped. give me the fork. i will cutmy tongue out and offer it to you. hey, let go.- give it to me, please. say yes. otherwise hewill touch you somewhere else.

say yes, madam. say yes. please. thank you, neeraja. now i'm at peace. now we are friends, right? you prawn! prawn? prawn? i'm a prawn? that's a nice name. suitable for me. you need something from me.i know that. so stop your nonsenseand come to the point. you got me. you got me.

you are a genius.- just the matter. okay, i'll come to the point.i have a love story. every idiot has twoto three love stories. next. indu and i have beenin love for four years. congratulations.- thank you. but we lost touchwhen she went to america. good for her. no. she got a transferand came back to india recently. poor girl.

now my situation is this.. ..i can't meet indu or talk to her. but i can't live without her. why are you telling me this? because she got transferredto your company. understood. now you wantme to talk to her for you. oh dear! why would i ask that of you? just give me a small jobin your company. that's it. what? sorry, i can't help you.

of course you fact, i know you can. last night i searched indu'scompany's website for a job. there are 24, i thought of applying and.. ..looked up the hr manager. oh! oh dear, the flat bread!not this devil again! i couldn't stop my tearsof joy when i found out that.., such a sweet goddess,are the hr manager. this is my resume.if you can kindly recommend me.. ..i will get the job.then i can get back with indu.

really? why should i do it? 50,000 rupees. what?- okay, 100,000 rupees? i can't believe this guy. okay, okay. i will makeyou an offer you can't refuse. 100,000 rupees plus,a 20 grams gold chain from tanishq. and a good silk sareefrom kala mandir.. ..worth 10,000 can wear it in your wedding. is that so?

additionally, i will giveyou a gucci perfume bottle. all in all,gifts worth 200,000 rupees. deal okay? okay? sounds good. have coffee. thank you, neeraja. thank you. you fell for the gold, right? what is this? why did you drop it? shut up, you idiot. do you think i'm a clerkat the government office?

if you come after me for a job again,i will break your jaw. madam!- let's go. madam, please! please! come.- yes, dad. welcome. why these formalities? because friends are goingto become relatives now. do we need such formalitieslike coming to see the bride.. ..then doing an engagement ceremony?

let's just fix a weddingdate directly. what do you say? what will i say?when have i ever said no to you? and my son is eager let's do it. priest!- yes, sir? fix the closest day possible.- okay, sir. done. your chapter is closed. i tied her laces and offereda bribe but she didn't agree. this time i will use dramaor protests or whatever it takes.. convince neeraja.

neeraja! i'm sorry.forgive me if possible. or, punish me.but please accept my love. it sounds like that prawn's voice. yes, looks like that dementedman followed you here too. what are you guys looking at?beat your drums. that's it. "you are a short-tempered fairy." "my love will be shatteredif you don't take mercy." "neeraja! neeraja!neeraja! look at me, neeraja!"

"if you smile like anangel for a selfie, i will.." maybe someone who came for donations.ignore him. he is signing a songusing your daughter's name. raju!- yes, sir? someone is creatingnuisance at the gate. send him away.- okay, sir. "come down like a goddessand support my love." "help my love to succeed." "i will become your fan.i will work as your peon."

"i bow down before you, o neeraja." "become a donor to mylove and an owner to my.." who are you?- hey, run! run! "come out like an empress." "o neeraja, open the doors." "don't destroy my life,please come out." sir! please exchangeyour promise notes and.. ..finalize the wedding date. "my love is not a love is not weak."

"my love is not a misfortune.neeru, feel my love." "my love is pure." shall we exchange them? sure. that guy is makinga big scene outside. your daughter is not saying anything. do you doubt my daughter? no. we are suspicious about that man. why are you silent, dear? say that you don't know who he is.

golden chance. use himto get out of this wedding trap. why don't you saythat you don't know him? i know him, dad. i love him. you should have askedyour daughter's opinion.. ..before inviting us home. anyway, don't forget toinvite us for the wedding. bye. let's go.- darn! what is this?is this the right thing to do?

hello, brother!it is a very good concept. your path is clear now. go inside. really? wow! actually i should blame your mother. i told you not tolet her take up a job. look what she did now.- excuse me. oh god! why did he come inside? if your father finds out the truth.. ..he'll call them backand fix the wedding date.

hello, auntie! good morning, neeraja.good morning, shailaja. hello, sir!- who are you? why are you singinglike a beggar in the trains? who are you, uncle? he is neeru's father. oh. nice to meet you, uncle. i'm.. i know. neeru told me. oh. you told uncle about it? super.

uncle, actually i wantto join neeraja's office.. ashwin, you go home. we'll talk later. is that a yes? deal okay? shut up! you think you can decideit between yourselves? why am i here then? i won't agree. why are you becomingan obstacle, uncle? he takes all the decisionsin our family, son. i see. then i will talk to you, uncle.

it is a good offer, uncle. offer?- yes. didn't you tell uncle about it? 20 grams gold, kanchi silk saree.. ..and 100,000 rupees cash. for what? for what?you can use them for the wedding. who buys just 20 gramsgold for a wedding these days? you should give atleast 100 grams gold.

you can demand, but i can'tafford to give you that much. uncle, it is my responsibilityto give what i agreed to. use it for the wedding orthe baby shower, as you see fit. oh dear, he is alreadytalking about a baby shower. what are you talking about? you think you can scareme by talking of a baby shower.. that i get you marriedas soon as possible? - married? how dare you ensnare my daughter?i will kill you! dad, please.- you be quiet.

uncle, you are confusedabout something. confused? do you know why i came?- why did you come? actually in neeraja's office.. dad, let him go.i will die if you hurt him. hmm. why does he want to kill me?why are you saving my life? shut up! be silent if you want a job. okay.

he is talking aboutwedding and baby shower. i think the situationis out of our hands. if everything goes well,he'll be our son in law. just think about it. what did you say your name is? i didn't say anythingand i will not say anything. he is ashwin, dad. okay. call your parents.i've to talk to them. but..- they went abroad, dad.

when?- what? he got confused looking at your anger. oh. he is a little short tempered,son in law. huh? wait. you are always in a hurry. you are quick toform ties with people. okay, inform us whenyour parents return. we'll discuss everythingand take a decision.

okay.- you may go now. i'll see him off, dad.let's go. oh god! i'm your lover?we are going to get married? this is terrible.if indu finds out, i will be dead. stop it. don't behave like a girl. come on, man.i didn't do it on purpose. my dad suddenly sprungthis engagement on me. i'm not interested in marriage. consult a doctor if you have a defect.

why resort to lies, neeraja? shut up! i have other plans. i was searching for a wayto escape and you came along. it is easy for you to say.but your dad took it seriously. i'm afraid that he will trapme into becoming his son in law. it won't come to that. i will go to america assoon as my visa is approved. what will happen to me? i will kill your charactersaying that you died.. a malaysian plane crash. oh god!- hey! okay. go ahead. use me. but neeraja,please get this job for me. please. i decided to help you wheni dragged you into my crisis. do one thing. bring yourcertificates to the office tomorrow. okay? bye. hi!- hi! good morning, neeraja. good morning!did you bring your certificates?

yes. i'm handingover my life to you now. okay. please sit down.i'll go and look into the formalities. yes.- okay? neeraja!- what? where is indu?- upstairs. upstairs?can i see her just once? please. hey, do you know what you are asking? just once. outsiders are not allowed.

i will see her from far. like this. i said no.- just once. what?- i beg of you. take this.- please. don't you want the job?- i want it. then, sit. sit down! hello! oh, really?

right now? okay, okay. i'm coming down.yeah. hi, indu!- hmm. we got 320 applicationsfor the fresher's drive. i selected 80 out of that fine? yeah. fix the interview dates.- okay. send mails to applicantsand inform the interview board. i'll be back in two hours. anything urgent, just give me a call.- sure.

and let me know the updates.okay? bye. okay. bye. oh god! that prawnis sitting downstairs. he might make a sceneif he sees indu now. oh no! ashwin! thank you! where's the restroom? go inside and take a left, ma'am. i'll just be back.- sure.

hey, ram! guess what? i came to my restaurant with indu. you know what i'm going to do? i'm going to propose to indu. she will say yes. she likes me. as soon as indu says yes,i'll plan a wedding immediately. yeah. sorry to keep you waiting.

no problem. it's okay. i want to tell you something. yeah. go on. i love you. will you marry me? yes!- it's beautiful. okay, indu is coming. bye. hey, you!- vamsi! go.

looking at your facei thought you were innocent. when you asked for my help.. ..i thought you were a sincere lover. i never thought youwill lie to me and fool me. lie? didn't you lie that indu loves you? that's the truth, neeru. then why was heproposing to your girl? why did you stealthat ring like a thief?

why can't you directlygo to indu and talk to her? why take this job andmake all these schemes? you are running after indu,she's running after him.. ..and you are runningafter me for a job. why all this running around.. planets rotatingaround the sun? tell me, please. look, since you helped me.. ..i took a risk andsaved you back there. i can't take any more risks.i can't give you a job. bye.

hey! neeru.. neeru.. just listen to me.- i don't want to listen to you. is it fair to leave me in the middle? he would've caughtyou if i had left you. the police would'veput you behind the bars. do you know whata prison cell is like? i know. i was in prison for twoyears for an attempted murder. i was released just recently. i was completely lost in indu's love.

i ignored my studies.i failed, but she passed. she told me to completemy graduation.. ..and went to delhi to do her masters. she used to communicatewell in the beginning.. ..but slowly her phone calls,messages, mails.. ..everything became scarce. one day i got a courierwith the ring that.. ..we exchanged asa symbol of our love. i couldn't bear that.i went to delhi immediately.

stop here. excuse me, bro. indu from hyderabad? check in the playground. yeah! come on! yeah! come on! come on! oh no. are you okay? i'm sorry. rascal! you idiot! who are you? have you gone blind? can't you see?- sorry, bro. vamsi!- how dare you!

bro! bro, please listen to me.- vamsi, stop it! stupid guy spoiled my game. indu, tell him. leave him. yes. he was my classmate. i'm just a classmate? what do you want me to tell him? that you are my boyfriend? my lover? aren't i?

what should i say whenthey ask me what my lover does? should i say thathe failed in graduation.. ..and is roaming the streets? look at them, man. everybody is doing masters,campus recruitments.. ..and foreign settlements. and look at yourself.why did you come here? why did you send this back, indu? when i was in your world..

..i made you putthat ring on my finger. but you are not in my world anymore. that's why i returned it. what do you mean? i mean i've changed. i've been waiting foryou to change for so long. but you didn't change. so, i changed. how can you change, indu? change is natural. inevitable.

i don't understandwhat you are saying. we've a crush on somebodyin 10th standard. that becomes an infatuationin intermediate. we are strongly attractedto opposite sex in graduation. then we become emotionalthinking that it is love. but once we reach a maturity level.. ..we understand how foolish we were. i matured. i changed. but you stayed right there.

don't say that, indu.i can't live without you. then change. wake up and grow up. give me one chance.give me some confidence. guarantee that you're mine.i'll show you. this is not a bank loanto give surety and guarantee.. ..this is love. if it is love, let's get married.marry me. what? no way! please, indu. let's get married.

please leave. - then everythingwill be okay. trust me, indu. ashwin, everybody is looking at us.- please. please stop embarrassing me. indu, why don't you understand?- hey! try to understand. please stop this. why are you harassinggirls on our campus? boss, please don't's none of your business. indu, please. let's get married. ashwin!- i'm asking you once again.

ashwin, please leave.- she asked you to leave. go. come on. who are you tointerfere in our matter? who are you? vamsi! get lost!- guys, stop it! i'll kill you! vamsi! vamsi, leave him! ashwin!- you! stop it, guys!

ashwin! ashwin, stop it! what? will you beat me up?come on, hit me! hit me. hit me. ashwin! ashwin, open the door! vamsi!- hit me. hey, what are you doing? ashwin, open the door! stop it! hello, police station?

hey, stop it! no! please save me! please! please, i beg of you! stop it.- don't beat me. move aside. move aside.- ashwin! open the door!- somebody save me. no! no! save me! hey, no. who are you?- i didn't do anything. believe me.

sir, please. i didn't hurt him.- ashwin! what have you done? indu, believe me.- vamsi! indu, i didn't do anything.- vamsi, are you okay? get up, tell her the truth.sir, he.. get lost!- sir, believe me.. i had sympathy for you till now.but not anymore. indu, i didn't do anything.i didn't do anything. get lost! i hate you! indu, no! indu, no!

vamsi, are you alright? he cleverly trapped me and.. ..filed an attemptedmurder case on me. i thought he did that toexact revenge for hitting him. but after seeing him with indu today,i understood his plan. he already had his eyes on indu. he played this gameto push me out of her life. i pity you, buddy. your lover is in lovewith your enemy. so sad.

no, no, indu is not in love with him. he hasn't proposed to her yet. he will propose to her very soon. look! because of my love for indu.. ..i forgot my anger for vamsi. but if he createsproblems in my love life.. ..i will kill him,if that's what it takes to gain indu. did you forget your prisonlife so soon? recollect it. you..sorry, sir.

what did you remember? did they hit youwith canes on your bums? you are right. it is importantto get closer to indu.. ..than exact revenge from vamsi. but you can get closer toher only when he is out of her life. what did you say? i mean, if you wantto get closer to indu.. he should be out of her life. yes! until now my onlygoal was to get a job..

..and get closer to indu. but along with that,i have to separate indu from him. he cunningly separated indu and me.. ..i should use the same tacticand cause them to break up.. order to gain indu's love. one patch up, one breakup.interesting. all the best. thank you, neeru. "sun will breakup with light." "moon will breakupwith its moonlight."

"rainbow will breakup with colors." "i will cause it." "day and night willbreakup with sleep." "sweet smiles andflowers will breakup." "life will breakup with joy.i will cause it." "watch it! i will starta raging fire between you two." uncle, ball please. hey, get out! get lost! uncle, please.

get lost! "break it up!just break it up! yeah, break it up!" are you mad? how can you be so rude to the kids? please, uncle. "just break it up!yeah! yeah, break it up!" "i will start my magic today." "i will not spare you.i will turn the tables around." "i will hiss like a snakeand exact revenge from you."

"i will show you whata man failed in love can do." sorry, sorry. "remember this.i will break your love like a mirror." vamsi, are you mad?- i didn't do it. darn. "break it up! yes!yes, break it up! just break it up! " "yeah! yeah, break it up." yeah!- yes! "yeah, break it up!"

congrats! what is this smell? oh, this? some kids were playing'holi' on the road.. ..and they sprayed it on me. 'holi'? where are the colors? poor kids. no colors. only water. they didn't let me gountil i gave them 100 bucks. poor kids?they sprayed you with chanel perfume..

..worth 4,000 rupeesjust for 100 rupees? and a ladies perfume at that. that's what happened.come on, let's have a drink. i want to go home. come on, let's have a drink. see you later. stage 1 over. we'll let you know. you may go. next candidate please.

a very good morning, sir. very good morning, young man. please come in. thank you, sir. okay, let's singh, carry on. well, mr. ashwin! what is abi? application binary interface. what is api? application programming interface.

asu? indu!- yes? would you like to ask some questions?- no, nothing. thanks. excellent. we will let you know. i killed the interview. the panel was astoundedand ate from my palms. very good. so how's your breakupplan coming along? i'm going to implementa very horrid plan tomorrow.

fantastic! i need your help for that.- my help? prawn! i'm at the movie theater. good. go sit in seat d-12. d-12?- yes. but my seat is i-16. just do as i said.cover your face and go. mahendra bahubali should live. okay, i'm sitting here. what next?

now look in the front. front? fantastic! superb, right? i can't believe this.vamsi and indu and sitting before me. you know? where are you? that isn't important. watch the movie. yes. hey!- yes, tell me. ask vamsi the hero's name.

i'm here to watch 'bahubali.'if i ask him the hero's name.. ..he will think i'm crazy. ask him. excuse me.- yeah? what is the hero's name? prabhas. oh. darling? okay, okay. thank you. are you okay?- yeah, i'm okay.

ask vamsi where the toilets are.- okay? yeah, i'm fine.- excuse me. where are the toilets? go right and take left. he told you. go there. okay.- go that side. are you fine?- yeah, i'm fine. i'll make a call. it's an urgent call. prawn! i'm here. wait there.

darn! neeru,come out right now and talk to vamsi. hurry up. come. come on, quick. okay, okay, okay. stop him and talk to him. what should i talk about? excuse me. hey, you again? sing nursery rhymes.a, b, c, d, e, f, g.. a, b, c, d,e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p..

l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t.. you are crazy. go away. ask him to zip his pants. hello! zip up your pants. oh, thank you. indu, you caught me. actually.. don't tell me anything.- oh, you understood? was this your urgent call? nature's call, right?there's no way to stop it.

five times.drained all the fluids from my body. disgusting. these are common in life. didn't you ever experience this? this may be common to you.i have my principles. what?- don't ever show your face to me. goodbye. hey, indu!indu, i can explain. hey, indu! yes! breakup! wow! how did you do it?

come. i will kill you! stop! i'm sorry. sorry.calm down. calm down, goddess kali! i beg of you. please stop. what do you think of me? you and your idiotic plans.why didn't you tell me? you wouldn't haveagreed if i told you. thank god! my plan worked out. not so fast, my dear prawn.

he ran after indu from the theater. i'm sure he stopped indu on the road.. ..fell on her feet,begged for her forgiveness.. swearing in god'sname or something like that. will indu believehim after what she saw? if my logic is right, yourindu will be having lunch with him.. his restaurant. if my guess is right,he will be in his bar sitting alone.. ..listening to sad songsand getting drunk. you'll see.

is that so? let's see. did you see that? vamsi is sitting alone and drinking. it's impossible forhim to get back with indu. hey, hi! cheers!- cheers! flat bread! yours is a fateful tongue! it is way more powerfulthan nostradamus. hey, he sent you to prison for indu..

..when he was her classmate. do you think he willlet go of her so easily.. ..when he is in arelationship with her? all my plans are failing,my life is a big mess. should i give yousome more shocking news? what is it? your job is on hold for now. they kept you on hold sinceyou have a criminal record. oh god! if i don't a get a job,if i can't break them up..

darn! what's the use of my life? i will die. god, kill me! kill me! ashwin, stop! kill me! i want to die! i want to die! a truck is coming! come on! let me go! i want to die! sorry.

what else could i do? why did you run ontothe road like a small kid? what if i was late by one second? i would've died. shut up! you are crazy! a small are pining away for indu here. does that mean you did that? did what? what's that? that.

you mean.. no, no, no. my love is pure. platonic. you are an antic piece. you should be placedin the salar jung museum. you will say that. my time is bad,that's it. what can i do? your time is not bad,your plans are bad. if it was me.. i couldn't achieve anything,you are a just a girl. don't underestimate girls.

we can break down empires if we want. you are being over-confident. challenge. i will breakthem up in a single attempt. if you do that,i will be your slave all my life. come on. hey! why did you bringme to vamsi's house? shut up and follow me. come on. where did you learn this art? during my stay at the hostel,i used this technique to get in..

..whenever i got late at night. hey, what.. hey, you carry condoms too. done.- i understood your plan now. i made the kids spray water on him.. ..asked you to come to the theater.. order to plant adoubt in indu's mind that.. ..vamsi is having anaffair with another girl. now you remixed thatplan and extended it. right?

exactly. now we are goingto confirm her doubts.. proving that themystery girl really exists.. ..and that she visitsvamsi's house regularly. what's the guarantee thatindu will come here today? i heard their conversationin the bar that day. indu, you are coming tomy house day after tomorrow. why?- it's my birthday. did you forget? oh, sorry. i forgot. i will be there. okay, she will come.

but what's the guaranteethat this plan will work out? i doubt it. in order to clear your doubts.. ..i will have to show youwhat is going to happen here. you act as vamsi, and i'llact as indu. let's do role-play. indu! indu! welcome to my humble home. wow, what a house!- and this is your welcome fruit. where should i leave my shoes? there.

ladies slippers. i don't know. whose slippers are these?- mine. don't tell lies to me. who is inside? nobody is inside. shorts?- indu! i don't know anything, indu. this frock?- i don't know. this dress?how did these things come here? why did you slap me, flat bread?

to show you that indu will slap vamsi. indu will slap vamsi? then slap me. i have hundred affairs. slap me again. prawn! he will slap bothof us if he sees us here. let's go. come, come, come. oh no, go inside. go inside.- we are dead. welcome to my house. come, come in. hey, you said it's a birthday party.where is everyone? the party is in the evening.

then why did youask me to come so early? i have a surprise for you. hmm, a surprise.okay. i'll remove my shoes. no problem, it's okay. come. are you sure?- come, no problem. actually indu, i called you because.. vamsi, i'll use washroom. washroom? i'll just be back.- yeah.

wow, indu. you are so beautiful. he is so sick.- rascal, i should kill him. indu, i've been waiting forthe past three years for this day. some rascal stole my ringin the restaurant that day. i ordered the samering from brazil again. yes, nobody can stop me today. i'll make this amemorable day for you. indu, will you marry me? what is a ladies dress doing here?

oh my god! that means someone was here. what else did he place? oh god! i'll be deadif indu sees these things. this.. last time youenjoyed swimming here. so i got this thinkingthat you might ask again. really? yeah, indu. did you buy these for me too?

yeah, i bought them for you. they are new.why did you hide them under the bed? i thought i shouldget them gift-wrapped.. ..and give them to you today evening. but you found them before that. are you sure? promise, indu. i'm surprised. actually this is not your surprise.

the real surprise is inside.come, let's have a drink. you brought all new clothes. why didn't you bringsome old ones too? you boasted that girlsare super-smart and intelligent. look what happened now. i should hit myself with my own shoe.that's right. what? your plan was a total failure,right? what now? go out for a second. let's go home. come on.

go out. why?- just go. you and your stupid plans. everything is ruined. darn. let's go. come on. so, tell me said you have a surprise for me. yeah, indu. actually..- what's that. ..i've wanted to saythis for the last three years. so, what's next?

when i saw you for thefirst time at delhi university.. sorry, my phone is ringing. yeah, neeraja? hello, indu! what happened to your voice? throat infection.i can't come to the office tomorrow. why are you telling me that? mail your leave letter to the office. okay, thank you.

strange. vamsi! what is this? is this for me too?this is not new, this is used. no! no, indu! did you buy a used one on olx? trust me, indu. i'm not lying.someone planted them here. but you said you bought them. that means you lied to me? no, indu. mother promise.

just shut up! you don't know the valueof a promise or a relationship. trust me, indu. i'm telling the truth. i don't trust you. i don'twant any explanations from you. i'm leaving. indu, stop! hey, indu! give me five! i haven't spoken to another girlin these 3 years, indu. - success! wait, indu!- no!

i know you are havingan affair with some other girl. no!- what do you think of me? i'm broad minded but i'mnot without morals like you. that's why i told you aboutmy love affair with ashwin. but you pretendedto be in love with me.. ..while having anaffair with another girl. are sick. a cheap fellow. never show me your face again! no, that's not true.- goodbye!

you are tuned intothe shred's work-out mix. breakup! wohoo! neeru, you are great! how was my magic? it's not's bragic. bravo. bratiful. ever since indu came back,something fishy is going on. perfume theater. and now this. someone is tryingto separate indu from me.

do you have any old enemies? yes. i have one enemy. if he is behind this, i will kill him! hi, auntie! is ashwin home? yes, dear. who are you? his friend.- oh. ashwin! yes, mom?- somebody is here for you. come inside. it's okay, auntie.actually, i have some urgent work. how do you know ashwin?

actually, he asked for my help.. help? what help? who is it, mom?- hi, ashwin! hey! did you say anything? no, not yet. ashwin, who is she? mom, she is neeru.neeru, she is my mom. hi, auntie!- hi! ask her to come inside.let's offer her coffee or tea.

no need. we will goout and have something. come, come, come.- bye, auntie. flat bread! if i had been late,we would've been in trouble. why didn't you callme before coming home? hello! i've been tryingto call you since morning. oh no! my phone is on silent mode. by the way, why did you come? to give you good news. good news?- yes.

what is that? do you think i willgive it to you so easily? please. please. please tell me. beg some more. i will touch your feet. not enough. little more. i will join my handsbefore you. please. come on, little more. not enough. have mercy on me.

you are the goddessof all goddesses. please. okay. indu called you. what?- yeah. yes! thank you, are an angel. i'm so happy. hey, stop. stop. why did indu call me?for love or for the job? how will i know?ask her when you meet her. wow!

'what is he doing here?is this a coincidence?' 'or, is he following me on purpose?' neeru! as soon as the signal turns green,go right. but we have to go left. no, go right. neeru! take the left. take a right at the circle. 'there's no doubt about it.he is following me.'

go fast. speed up. why fast? go fast. "o bee, don't buzz around me." "don't awaken the youth in me." "don't turn me into a flower." "don't steal my nectar." "one stone creates ripplesin the whole river." "a few rain drops makethe tender leaves grow."

"this touch thatengulfs you is a sin." "but i'm still doing it for my love." "please forgive me, angel." "please don't take away my life." "who is he that cameto me like a dream?" "when did i start givinghim so much freedom?" he is with another girl now.i think he forgot indu. yeah, you are right. i think it is a wasteof time to follow him.

stop, stop, stop. thank god!i think vamsi suspected something. he has been following us. in order to divert him.. sorry, neeru.i didn't say it beforehand because.. ..i thought you willbecome conscious of it. i overdid it a littlein order to escape from him. sorry, sorry. please.please, flat bread. please, angel. indu will be waiting for you. let's go.- okay.

75% marks. how? love. i failed becauseof my love in the past.. ..but this time i succeededfor that same love. actually, indu..what actually happened in delhi was.. i didn't call you here totalk about our personal matters. interview panel rejected you. but the ceo of our companysponsors corporate leagues. since you are a sportsman.. ..he recommended you for the are selected.

don't get over-excited. this is your id card.prove yourself. all the best. yes! eat this sweet. what is this? indu gave you the job.that's it, right? yes. but she didn'tshake hands with me. just watch.before i take my first salary.. ..i will take indu on my bike. i know you can do anythingyou put your mind to. you are responsible for this.

neeru, if we have a babygirl we'll name her after you. you are my best friend. thank you, are my best friend. thank you so much. wohoo. welcome. congrats. your seat. "i'm walking in the clouds." "i'm screaming atthe top of my voice." "i'm rolling on the ground."

"i'm jumping with joy." "i'm running behindyou like some psycho." "you can't deny thefact that there is a god." "he gave me an unexpected gift." "like bhajrangi bhaijaan.." "..he found me my heartthat went missing like munni." he is slaying it inthe practice match itself. looks like he will win the cup for us. "when your eyes fall on me.."

"..i feel as if you are tickling me." "when i hear you call my name.." " whole body shudderswith excitement." "i managed to live tillnow by seeing the moon from far." "my heart beats fasterwhen i sense you near me." "the love i lost is before me,my dreams are coming true." "it is like the firstcelebration of my life." "if there is a place whereall the festivals of the year are.." "..that place is my heart."

may i? yeah, please come in. ashwin! this is ourdubai project report. please go through everythingin detail right away. and you've to encrypt all the data.very urgent. will it be a problemif i do it in one day? neeru, urgent work. wake up. come on. wake up. wake up. what are you doing here at this hour?

indu asked me to completethis project urgently. what is the problem then? complete it. i can't do've to do it. please. "no matter how much i stop myself.." "..i'm doing everythingi can for you." "no matter how much you irritate me.." "..why can't i refuse you?" "i'm drawing colorful patternsin my heart to welcome you." "new hope is blossoming in my heart.."

"..and is calling me softly." neeru! neeru! neeru dear! why are your clothes in this state? when did you come, dad? just now. but when did he come? actually, last night.. what? was he here all night? uncle, we both worked last night.

worked? how longhas this been going on? this is the first time, right? actually, dad.. office work.. 'looking at their speed,very soon they will have..' '..a naming ceremony,not a baby shower.' dad..- one second. actually, dad.. in the office..- hello, mom! where are you?you didn't come home last night. i will come home in an hour.- who is on the phone?

did your parentscome back from abroad? give it to me. let me talk to them. dad, no..- you be quiet. give it to me.let me talk to them. give it to me. hello, sister! sister? have you gone mad? i'm nagi reddy. i'm neeru's father. who is neeru? and who are you? and why is my son in your house?

what can i say if you askme the question i want to ask? you are confusing me.what is happening there? my daughter and your son are in love. they are in love? before the situationgoes out of control.. ..we've to meet and discuss things. if our son reallyloves your daughter.. ..we have no objections. let's fix an auspicious day and meet.

son, now you.. uncle, i'm getting late for work.i'm going. bye, uncle. bye, neeru. hey, ashwin! come, come. sit. yup. the whole projectis in this pen drive. huh? what? already done? i worked hard the wholenight without sleeping. i'm impressed. coffee?

why not? let's go in my car. if you don't mind,can we go on my bike? for old time's sake.- okay. hey, go and bring that girl. what? what are you doing? who are you? hey! leave me! help! put her in.

no! leave me! who are you? leave me! leave me! hello! police station? stop! leave me! ashwin! drag her out! leave me.- drag her out! you sang well at the theater.i like your voice.

you and ashwin causedmy breakup with indu, right? i don't anything about it. let me go. i will let you go if youtell indu about your drama.. your sweet voice.. no, there's no other choice.indu won't believe me. and ashwin won't tell her the truth. so, you are the only one left. take this,call indu and tell her the truth. tell her.- i won't.

what gives you this courage? hey, game over! i know everything. in that case,you should have come to me. why did you attack agirl like an incapable man? i tricked you and sentyou to prison in the past. now i will bash you up and.. ..make you confess the truth to indu. kill him! no! please leave him alone. please.

leave ashwin alone. don't hurt him. hey, stop it! stop fighting! stop it! neeru, are you okay? fine, indu. ashwin cameon time and saved me from him. no, indu. ashwin and sheare playing a game with me. no chance.they met each other just recently. you don't know that. that's a lie. they are fooling us. no, indu. he is telling lies.

what is going on here? how dare you stagea drama in my station? no, sir.i will prove it. just a minute. look! cctv camera footage. do you understand it now? that veiled girlin the theater was her. see for yourself, indu.what more proof do you need? i can't believe it, neeru.why did you do this? did you know ashwin from before?

no, indu.i did this for vamsi, not for ashwin. i met him in thetoilet in the theater. he lied to you that somekids sprayed water on him. that perfume is mine. and.. the bra that youfound in vamsi's flat is mine. vamsi tells me everythingthat happens between you. i don't understand. you still didn't understand?vamsi is my boyfriend. he is trying to get ridof me because he found you.

when i asked him to marry me.. ..he kidnapped meand tried to kill me. no, indu. she is not my girlfriend. she is telling lies.this is ashwin's trap. why will ashwin trap you? because i trapped him in delhi. what do you mean you trapped him? i mean.. actually,i filed a case against him. because of that anger..

no, indu. i didn't try to kill him. he hurt himself andfiled a false case on me. is it true?- no, indu. he is lying. swear it on me and tell the truth. no, indu.. tell me the truth! so, it's true? but, i don't know this girl. enough. just stay away from me.

i feel disgusted to look at you. sir, i saw them kidnapping this girl. i will give a witnessin the court if you want. how dare you kidnap a girl? sir! no, sir!- take them inside and bash them up. sir! no, sir!- take them. indu! trust me, indu!no! don't believe them, indu! take them.- they are lying! indu!- you both sign the papers. come.

indu.. actually..- it's fine. come on, ashwin.let's go. come on, ashwin. such a big sacrifice? didn't you remember your parents,office or society? no. i didn't rememberanything in that moment. i just saw ashwin'ssad face in the station. i was scared that he'lldie if he doesn't get indu. i wanted to help him win her. you will lose to help him win?

how can we be happyif our loved ones are sad? but they will get married very soon. can you see them livingas husband and wife? can you bear to see that? neeru!- hi! are you going to us? yes. on-site offer. why didn't you tell me? i didn't get time.

visa stamping, ticket booking.. everything happened suddenly. when are you leaving? in four days. do you have to leave so soon? since i have to go, it isbetter to go as soon as possible. how can you leaveeveryone so suddenly? i mean your family, this office,colleagues, especially me. i'm sad to leave everybody.

but i'm very happythat i'm leaving you. why? you and your love.and your nuisance about indu. nuisance?'ll know it if you love someone. but i'm very sad that you are leaving. do you want me to stay? tell me. should i cancel it? no, no. it is very importantfor you to go to america. it's your ambition.don't ever sacrifice that.

i want you to be veryhappy wherever you are. from this moment onwards.. ..i will be with youtill the time you leave, okay? "every step i take withyou is precious to me." "i don't want to go away from you." "i want to stay here forever." "you are dawn and i'm dusk." "a new day has to be createdfor us to be together." what is this, son?i don't like that neeru has a job.

and now you aresending her to america. uncle, she is not going anywhere. she will be with us in our hearts. but son.. uncle, listen to me.i'll be going to us very soon. we'll come back together. don't worry. i'll take care of her. this is the final boardingcall for passengers.. it is time, neeru. come on.

bye, grandma. bye, mom. take care, dear. bye.- bye. hi, indu. hi, ashwin.good news. i told my dad about us. oh.- he was very happy. oh, really? wow, great! what great? i heard thatyou didn't go to practice kabaddi..

..for the past two days. actually,i came out for an urgent work. look, you got thejob under sports quota. and the match is tomorrow.- yeah. you have to win. sure, indu. i'll do it. don't worry. kabaddi. hey, priya! did neeru call? where is she?no phone calls or messages.

she closed her facebookand twitter accounts. it's been only a week.did she forget us so soon? you got your indu.why are you still chasing neeru? go. you won't will never understand. you are a used her for your needs. you created feelings in her. you made her fall in love. yes. she went toamerica to forget you. will you still chase after her?

please let her bein peace at least there. you used her for your needs. she went to america to forget you. "my soul, is this really true?" "did you shed tears tobring a smile to my face?" "my heart, is this really true?" "did you wound yourselfto ease my pain?" "you swallowed bitternessto sweeten my life." "you turned into a statueto breathe life into me."

"i'm like a kite thatis cut off from its string." "i lost my destinationand reached you." "you became my strength." "you helped me winand lifted me to the sky." "when your love was guiding me.." "..i failed to seethe darkness around me." jailer sir wants to see you. meet my daughter. hello!- hi, uncle!

this is murthy here.- listen. yeah? ashwin is coming. ashwin? welcome! welcome, ashwin!a hearty welcome! dear friends! attention please. this is ashwin, a great lover. he proved that a lovercan achieve anything he wants. so i have decidedto get my daughter indu..

..married to ashwin. last time, at a party right here.. ..i insulted him beforeyou and threw him out. so i will ask his forgivenessbefore all of you today. i'm sorry, ashwin. i should say sorry toyou and my parents, uncle. especially to indu. take this back, indu. the day you put thisring on my finger..

..i thought thatyou were my world, indu. but today you arenot in my world, indu. in my journey to gain your love,i discovered true love. that is neeru. she did many things for me.i got the job because of her. i could complete theproject because of her. finally, i was able to breakupyou and vamsi with her help. whatever neeru said in thepolice station that day is a lie. she maligned her character for me.

she made me stand beforeyou as a successful man.. ..and she silentlywent away somewhere. in the past,i saw your face everywhere. my mind was filled with your thoughts. but i don't know when neerumanaged to steal my heart. you once said that people change.. ..that change is natural,it is inevitable. i didn't understand it that day,but i do know. i have also changed.

now i see neeru's face everywhere. if i stay with you,i will be deceiving you and myself. i will be unjust to neeru. so, i'm backing outof my love for you. neeru loves me so muchthat she will die for me. but vamsi loves you somuch that he will kill for you. that's why i bailedout vamsi from jail. please, indu.release me from this love.. ..and give me permissionto go to neeru.

dad, please wait. great. that's wonderful. dad, they all are great lovers.ashwin, neeru and vamsi. i'm selfish, practical,a stone without any emotions. i don't have balance in life. when ashwin failed, i turned to vamsi. and when i doubted vamsi,i turned to ashwin. i thought that success means love. but i never wantedto help my lover succeed.

you don't apologize to me.. ..i've to thank you formaking me realize my mistakes. go on. i give you permission. welcome to air india, sir. yeah, 23a. there it is. that one? thanks. mom! hi, mom! yes, i boarded the plane just now.

mom, don't worry. i'll propose to neeruas soon as i land in america.. ..and she'll accept my love. okay, the plane is taking off.i'll call you later. bye. hi, sir!- hi! a love story? yes, sir. very interesting. i need a story.will you tell me yours? sure, sir.why not? first in the temple..

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