hi how are you? today i m in kuala lumpur and i m with ryan lesacados.com that i met right now he is the man that taught me how to blog

Galgibaga Beach, we met each other with tony 3 years ago with steve thornton and we're going to do a live concert, that will be live on facebook too lot of things gonna happen
jupiter, who was in one of the first videos "heaven", will be there i think many interesting things will happen you thought you could escape from me? oh shit! so my name is ryan it's been 6 years im on the road non stop i started a travel blog at the beginning to keep contact with my family and my friends
and today it's my job i continue to blog on my travels people i meet etc... i created a formation to help other travelers to create their own blog it was my first work building websites today im in kuala lumpur i arrived 2 days ago
who i meet, totally randomly a member of the formation, bloguer pour voyager, niko art? give me a second, i have to make a nice answer i think art is something really personal we all have a different way to see it to me there is art in music, because i adore music all sort of music, not only one i love jazz but also some music little more heavy
house, techno as i lived in berlin you can see art... on the wall? on the wall! goosebumps! goosebumps? everytime something touches me for example, just now the guys were playing music at one moment i had some goosebumps because it really touched me
but it's something personal and everytime i feel touched by a painting, a landscape by anything, i have goosebumps we always have this little fear, we re scared that it goes wrong we always have excuses not to go being scared of not be able to speak a good english fear of loneliness feeling that we always need to be with someone but you just have to go for it, that's all
take your bag, and go! well, you can prepare all this save some money for it but it's not an obligation

hi how are you? today i m in kuala lumpur and i m with ryan lesacados.com that i met right now he is the man that taught me how to blog

Galgibaga Beach, we met each other with tony 3 years ago with steve thornton and we're going to do a live concert, that will be live on facebook too lot of things gonna happen
jupiter, who was in one of the first videos "heaven", will be there i think many interesting things will happen you thought you could escape from me? oh shit! so my name is ryan it's been 6 years im on the road non stop i started a travel blog at the beginning to keep contact with my family and my friends
and today it's my job i continue to blog on my travels people i meet etc... i created a formation to help other travelers to create their own blog it was my first work building websites today im in kuala lumpur i arrived 2 days ago
who i meet, totally randomly a member of the formation, bloguer pour voyager, niko art? give me a second, i have to make a nice answer i think art is something really personal we all have a different way to see it to me there is art in music, because i adore music all sort of music, not only one i love jazz but also some music little more heavy
house, techno as i lived in berlin you can see art... on the wall? on the wall! goosebumps! goosebumps? everytime something touches me for example, just now the guys were playing music at one moment i had some goosebumps because it really touched me
but it's something personal and everytime i feel touched by a painting, a landscape by anything, i have goosebumps we always have this little fear, we re scared that it goes wrong we always have excuses not to go being scared of not be able to speak a good english fear of loneliness feeling that we always need to be with someone but you just have to go for it, that's all
take your bag, and go! well, you can prepare all this save some money for it but it's not an obligation