Butterfly Beach

Butterfly Beach - Best Place to Travel

so right now this is balanced on my pillows,and two cardboard boxes.. from things that have been delivered to me, so, sad. um, anyway. this is my update project pan thing that i'mdoing, for the month of october, and i don't--i have things that have a lot of progress andthings that have like no progress.

Butterfly Beach

Butterfly Beach, so i'm going to start with the things thathave no progress 'cause they're kinda sad. which is this one, and this is where i am,basically. because i left this upside down like thisin my lip gloss container for a million years. like, upwards of about three weeks.

and i put it upside down for so long justto show you guys, but then i never had the time to do it! so here's this. it's about where i thought it was in the beginninganyway, but i haven't used it because it's been upside down. maybe i should use it right now.. this is probably gonna be a mistake..well,i guess we'll see. oh look, and now it's all back to the bottom! oh, that's so sad.

the next thing is this little double herethat i forgot existed after day one until right after i published the last video. it's still a hard color to wear, because i'mnot really a pink-y girl.. and this is how much i have now, it's basicallythe same. i've worn it like 5 times, maybe? there's also the tarte blush in exposed, again,nothing. you might be able to see a lot of the imprint,whatever that is, that has come off, but.. other than that, there's not much. it's just really hard with blushes.

and i, of course, thought i could i totallydo this tarte amazonian clay blush that everyone says takes a million years. i tried using it as an eyeshadow too, butthis is the deepest mid-tone pink color you can have before it gets deep, so it can sometimesmake my eye look weird. like i wanted to deepen up a color on my outereye part, but it just went really weird. i just meant to make it darker, but it wasjust unpleasant. other things, i don't have any progress onthis really. i've been using it more, which is good, buti've been using it as an eyeshadow. it's still a giant highlighter.

i only used it a couple times, i use it wheni want more sunset-y-ness. and about the same progress with wisp. there's still that large pan... and you can see the sides are flat. wow, that's kinda sad. i only have three things that i have, like,real progress on. so i'm gonna go with the least amount of progressperson--er, thing, first. which is the l'oreal trumatch powder, [makesnoise while opening the compact] this one is a lot.

i mean, i don't remember what the last updatewas, to be honest, but i'm pretty sure i hadn't quite, like, completed this rim yet, of thering, like there were still some parts hanging over, but now that's gone. and i know it's just gonna be a while beforei hit the next rung, because there's still a lot here. good so far, though. the next thing, so here's what it looks likeright now. that's a little better. as you can see, most of that top pan is mostly..pan.

and the name "crease" is kind of got a littleindent on it, so i have been using that shade a little. but i hit pan on this shadow, but i haven'teven finished the top one yet and i've hit made so much progress on this bottom part. i'm not even actually using this middle part,but so.. that's a win for this one. the only one that makes me more happy is thisguy. like, remember, last time the "color statementliner" it was on "lor statement liner"? now, all that you can see is "er," i don'tknow if you'll be able to read this... no,

you won't. okay. so all you can see is "er," and then the number. so i'm really happy with this guy. although i didn't have, like, super greatprogress, i did do really well on a few things which is still good enough for me. and i'm really happy i get to move this outof my collection, 'cause like, this one serves no purpose. it just kind of exists.

although i'm still gonna use this, becauseof the project and everything, if i never use this again i would still feel like i hadmy money's worth; which i could not say the same about this. alright, so. see y'all later. peace! [bloopers] i mean, it looks good, like inthis ton of light. that's 'cause there's a ton of light, though. i don't know, it could be maybe, this way.

what if i did this..? no. still blurry. anyway.. you might be able to see here, i don't know,let's try focusing up here.. focus! focus pocus, please! oh well. well, you can see there's kind of, like, more.. yeah.

so.. thanks.

so right now this is balanced on my pillows,and two cardboard boxes.. from things that have been delivered to me, so, sad. um, anyway. this is my update project pan thing that i'mdoing, for the month of october, and i don't--i have things that have a lot of progress andthings that have like no progress.

Butterfly Beach

Butterfly Beach, so i'm going to start with the things thathave no progress 'cause they're kinda sad. which is this one, and this is where i am,basically. because i left this upside down like thisin my lip gloss container for a million years. like, upwards of about three weeks.

and i put it upside down for so long justto show you guys, but then i never had the time to do it! so here's this. it's about where i thought it was in the beginninganyway, but i haven't used it because it's been upside down. maybe i should use it right now.. this is probably gonna be a mistake..well,i guess we'll see. oh look, and now it's all back to the bottom! oh, that's so sad.

the next thing is this little double herethat i forgot existed after day one until right after i published the last video. it's still a hard color to wear, because i'mnot really a pink-y girl.. and this is how much i have now, it's basicallythe same. i've worn it like 5 times, maybe? there's also the tarte blush in exposed, again,nothing. you might be able to see a lot of the imprint,whatever that is, that has come off, but.. other than that, there's not much. it's just really hard with blushes.

and i, of course, thought i could i totallydo this tarte amazonian clay blush that everyone says takes a million years. i tried using it as an eyeshadow too, butthis is the deepest mid-tone pink color you can have before it gets deep, so it can sometimesmake my eye look weird. like i wanted to deepen up a color on my outereye part, but it just went really weird. i just meant to make it darker, but it wasjust unpleasant. other things, i don't have any progress onthis really. i've been using it more, which is good, buti've been using it as an eyeshadow. it's still a giant highlighter.

i only used it a couple times, i use it wheni want more sunset-y-ness. and about the same progress with wisp. there's still that large pan... and you can see the sides are flat. wow, that's kinda sad. i only have three things that i have, like,real progress on. so i'm gonna go with the least amount of progressperson--er, thing, first. which is the l'oreal trumatch powder, [makesnoise while opening the compact] this one is a lot.

i mean, i don't remember what the last updatewas, to be honest, but i'm pretty sure i hadn't quite, like, completed this rim yet, of thering, like there were still some parts hanging over, but now that's gone. and i know it's just gonna be a while beforei hit the next rung, because there's still a lot here. good so far, though. the next thing, so here's what it looks likeright now. that's a little better. as you can see, most of that top pan is mostly..pan.

and the name "crease" is kind of got a littleindent on it, so i have been using that shade a little. but i hit pan on this shadow, but i haven'teven finished the top one yet and i've hit made so much progress on this bottom part. i'm not even actually using this middle part,but so.. that's a win for this one. the only one that makes me more happy is thisguy. like, remember, last time the "color statementliner" it was on "lor statement liner"? now, all that you can see is "er," i don'tknow if you'll be able to read this... no,

you won't. okay. so all you can see is "er," and then the number. so i'm really happy with this guy. although i didn't have, like, super greatprogress, i did do really well on a few things which is still good enough for me. and i'm really happy i get to move this outof my collection, 'cause like, this one serves no purpose. it just kind of exists.

although i'm still gonna use this, becauseof the project and everything, if i never use this again i would still feel like i hadmy money's worth; which i could not say the same about this. alright, so. see y'all later. peace! [bloopers] i mean, it looks good, like inthis ton of light. that's 'cause there's a ton of light, though. i don't know, it could be maybe, this way.

what if i did this..? no. still blurry. anyway.. you might be able to see here, i don't know,let's try focusing up here.. focus! focus pocus, please! oh well. well, you can see there's kind of, like, more.. yeah.

so.. thanks.

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