Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary

Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary - Best Place to Travel

hello people this is mr.abhi,i travel india,i travel the world, and i am here to help you out for all your travel needsand guys what i will do here ? i will make your travel budgeti will give you ideas for best places to travel i will review and suggest best travel stuffsi will also help you to book cheapest flights & hotelsand yeah dude, i am here to solve all your

Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary

Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary, travel queries as well so let's jump in today's topic is all about goaguys when your mind reads about goa, its all about beaches, clubs, & nightlife.

so today i wanted to explore south goa's top5 places in this whole goa series.stay tuned. people my list starts with this awesome paloleambeach,yeah this beach is super awesome and must visit while the visitng south goa, youcan do some great adventure sports here, visit monkey island & butterfly beach by hiringlocal boats,also you can do shopping of indian traditionals or just chill on beach with beerand magnicifent sunset view. guys next is indian naval aviation museum,now people from india, this is really a proud for us and people from world, you should mustvisit this to see the glorified history of indian navy. there are 13 aircrafts who served the navyand also some indoor gallery which showcases

some of the best history of indian navy. do note the timings 10 to 5, monday closed,and a must visit. next comes awesome dudhsagar waterfalls, mindit guys this is probably the best place you can find in the southen goa area, you can rideby local jeep after reaching nearby city kolem and feel the heat of jungle trek as well asthis awesome falls. timings are 9 to 5 all days a week, but tryto reach as early as possible because there is a threshold of 200 jeeps a day and mostlyit will end around 2 p.m so guys be on time. next one is bondla wildlife sanctuary, thisis hidden and unheard terrority of goa, its habitat of deers as well as some tigers butmore than a sanctuary what you need to feel

about this place is its natural scenatic viewand long walking trails. while riding through, dont mind if you wontfind any good animals or birds, because its awesome views enough to amaze you guys. timings will be 9 to 5 all days a week butagain try to reach as early as possible. last one is not so hearded caba de rama fort,now guys you just heard about chapora fort or agauda fort which are in the northen areaand which are really crowded and famous forts but this is situated somewhere around vascoarea and its very adverntures and very low crowded area. you can get awesome arabian sea view fromtop of it.

do mind that this is not so crowded againso you will feel more of an adventures but go early as possible and it will openall days a week right . now don't leave this video, i am going backto my home for some revisions guys this is my home, and here i am listingyou the five places we have just listed out pause the video take the screenshot, keepit in your phone and when you next visit the goa do visit this,now for your next trip to goa i have an awesome product for you, just visit below link indescription to see this awesome leather swiss military travel bag guys. finally if you liked my video i want 50 likes,and 50 subscribers at least if you liked in

case, right, so we are coming with more goaseries and other travel stuff right away, do subscribe, have a nice day. bye guys

hello people this is mr.abhi,i travel india,i travel the world, and i am here to help you out for all your travel needsand guys what i will do here ? i will make your travel budgeti will give you ideas for best places to travel i will review and suggest best travel stuffsi will also help you to book cheapest flights & hotelsand yeah dude, i am here to solve all your

Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary

Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary, travel queries as well so let's jump in today's topic is all about goaguys when your mind reads about goa, its all about beaches, clubs, & nightlife.

so today i wanted to explore south goa's top5 places in this whole goa series.stay tuned. people my list starts with this awesome paloleambeach,yeah this beach is super awesome and must visit while the visitng south goa, youcan do some great adventure sports here, visit monkey island & butterfly beach by hiringlocal boats,also you can do shopping of indian traditionals or just chill on beach with beerand magnicifent sunset view. guys next is indian naval aviation museum,now people from india, this is really a proud for us and people from world, you should mustvisit this to see the glorified history of indian navy. there are 13 aircrafts who served the navyand also some indoor gallery which showcases

some of the best history of indian navy. do note the timings 10 to 5, monday closed,and a must visit. next comes awesome dudhsagar waterfalls, mindit guys this is probably the best place you can find in the southen goa area, you can rideby local jeep after reaching nearby city kolem and feel the heat of jungle trek as well asthis awesome falls. timings are 9 to 5 all days a week, but tryto reach as early as possible because there is a threshold of 200 jeeps a day and mostlyit will end around 2 p.m so guys be on time. next one is bondla wildlife sanctuary, thisis hidden and unheard terrority of goa, its habitat of deers as well as some tigers butmore than a sanctuary what you need to feel

about this place is its natural scenatic viewand long walking trails. while riding through, dont mind if you wontfind any good animals or birds, because its awesome views enough to amaze you guys. timings will be 9 to 5 all days a week butagain try to reach as early as possible. last one is not so hearded caba de rama fort,now guys you just heard about chapora fort or agauda fort which are in the northen areaand which are really crowded and famous forts but this is situated somewhere around vascoarea and its very adverntures and very low crowded area. you can get awesome arabian sea view fromtop of it.

do mind that this is not so crowded againso you will feel more of an adventures but go early as possible and it will openall days a week right . now don't leave this video, i am going backto my home for some revisions guys this is my home, and here i am listingyou the five places we have just listed out pause the video take the screenshot, keepit in your phone and when you next visit the goa do visit this,now for your next trip to goa i have an awesome product for you, just visit below link indescription to see this awesome leather swiss military travel bag guys. finally if you liked my video i want 50 likes,and 50 subscribers at least if you liked in

case, right, so we are coming with more goaseries and other travel stuff right away, do subscribe, have a nice day. bye guys

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